Page 42 - Demo
P. 42
sūtra 1.4. tīvrasaṁvegena saha vinā vā mānavīyānubhavānāṁ duḥkhāparihāryatvaṁ
prayatnāparyāptatvaṁ ca jānāna īśvaraṁ pratipādyeta।
Those, with or without intense practice, who have realized the impossibility of avoiding the pain/dissatisfaction inherent in the human experiences, and realized the inadequacy of human efforts, do surrender to Īśvara.
Anyone with or without intense practice can totally surrender to Īśvara to obtain the spiritual liberation. But why would anyone totally surrender?
Each human being, by nature, is in constant search of happiness (Adhiyoga sūtra 1.1). But additionally, the human beings desire permanent happiness uninterrupted with sorrows. This fact is so obvious and therefore does not need much explanation. A person tries to obtain happiness with a goal in the mind. On reaching that goal, a human being becomes happy but very soon develops another goal as the previous happiness seems to dilute with time. If a person does not reach the goal, he becomes disappointed and tries for the goal again with ambition or gives up one goal and goes for another one to avoid the disappointment stage for too long. Thus, each person ultimately experiences that while the receipt of happiness is not
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