Page 44 - Demo
P. 44
Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali 2.15: But, for the Yogi who strives for Self-Realization, everything in life is painful due to the changes of pleasurable things into painful ones, anguish, and painful impressions in the mind. Pain in life is also due to conflict amongst Sattvika (serene), Rajasika (ambitious), and Tamasika (inert) tendencies.
Saint Tukaram Abhanga: Happiness is of the size of flax seed whereas the sorrow of the size of Mountain.
Practical Tips: 1. One should keep a diary of decisions, process and results related to major decisions one makes during the living. Also, other important incidents that cross the process should be noted. One should read these notes intermittently so that the limitations of human efforts and incomplete satisfaction from the results of all actions are noted.
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