P. 14
Page 14 Mar - April, 2021
Ghana, one of your key
Some Common Self-Employment Mistakes obligations is that you
and How to Avoid Them have to pay your taxes.
Continued from pg 13 Calculating taxes can be
tedious and even more so if
individuals they have met do and then create a you are not sure about the
and know personally. business identity that rates and percentages. But
Additionally, it's a good h i g h l i g h t s t h i s
the big deal here is that
idea to maintain an open uniqueness. By creating
you still have to pay them.
line of communication an identifiable brand, you
Because of this, it's better
with all of your clients to can ensure your clients
for you to know the various
m a k e s u r e t h e i r start to see your small
taxes to pay and the rates.
expectations are being business as an individual,
met. By keeping in a fact that can boost loyalty Visit where
constant contact, you for the long haul. t h e y h a v e d e t a i l e d
can hopefully handle everything you need to
small problems before 5. Not Getting Your Taxes k n o w a b o u t t a x
they snowball into in Order registration, tax rates, tax
relationship-ruining It's no secret that tax time incentives, withholding
catastrophes. is no one's favorite part of taxes, income taxes,
the year. Unfortunately, monthly tax filings, and
4. Focusing Only on the when you start a small audits in Ghana. Learn
Bottom Line b u s i n e s s , y o u r t a x more from these guidelines
Some people pursue self- headache only increases, which will help you comply
employment with stars in and many people find the with all tax requirements
in Ghana.
Going into business for
yourself is an exciting and
challenging endeavor.
Without question, there is
a steep learning curve, and
while you're certainly
going to make mistakes
along the way, with proper
care and planning you can
avoid the most common
their eyes, looking tax complications that
forward to the vast come with being self- Do you want to
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their business will bring maddening. Fortunately, be noticed? We
them. Sure, money is the GRA has a website
important, and it's where all your questions can help you.
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could make a lot of it. website has portions Please call us if
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v a l u e f o r t h e i r can prove invaluable as business featured
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earn short-term profits. A and manage its day-to-day here.
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