P. 10
Page 10 Mar - April, 2021
Page 10 October, 2008
There Are
Using leverage where
What do you think increases · you can. Leverage can be
Generally 3
your chances of wealth? dangerous if you use it
too much with debt. I
for the SMEs
have lost count of the
number of DIY landlords
t is hard to answer such a
consume as much as you who got into trouble
question in a clear, produce, you won't get
Iconcise and precise way, wealthy, but you won't be after the 2008 financial
but I will try. One of the best crisis. They took out too
broke. If, on the other hand, much debt and the
ways of looking at this is
you produce more than you banks pulled the plug.
consumption vs production: consume, you will growth
You can consume things, Yet leverage doesn't
wealthier. always need to mean
including media and
Examples include: debt. You can leverage
material goods. You can also
· Living below your other people (employ
others and freelancers)
and technology (ads and
not just organic) and use
it in many other ways.
· B e p e r s i s t e n t ,
consistent and never
give up. If it was so easy
why wouldn't everybody
try it? You should be
reassured if something
isn't easy.
produce things. For most means and investing
· Be open-minded to
people, they produce the surplus wisely
trying new things, and
through their full-time job, · Producing media +
and consume through content and not just aren't just obsessed with
doing whatever is
b u y i n g t h i n g s a n d consuming it
consuming media. If you
· Spend less time with
consume more than you Of course, there are added
toxic people and more
produce, you will be broke things as well. How often you
time with people who
no matter how much you produce more than you
will lift you up
earn. consume makes a huge
· Ta k e p e r s o n a l
Even if you earn $100m but difference. If you do it for
responsibility for your
spend $101m, you will decades then it will make a
own actions and don't
eventually need to declare much bigger difference than
r e l y o n o t h e r s
bankruptcy, as many former for a few years.
(governments, family
businessmen and sports Other important things
and friends) unless it
stars can attest to. If you include:
Continue on pg 11