P. 8

Page 8                                                                            Mar - April, 2021

                            12 Things You Can Do At the End of

                         Every Month to Have a Successful Year
            Continued from pg 5

           of  your  inboxes.  With                                             improving.  Yet,  the  most
           numerous messengers and         If  you're  a  creative  content     effective way to building them
           chats  across  different        c r e a t o r   o r   d i g i t a l    is by starting small.
           p l a t f o r m s   ( e m a i l ,   entrepreneur, you should also    At the end of each month, you
           Whatsapp,  Facebook,            consider  backing  up  your          can  reflect  on  your  current
           Instagram,…), it can often      email  list  and  the  content       habits and decide whether you
           be  overwhelming  to  stay      you've  created  for  various        want to try a new one. In the
           on track with all messages      platforms.  As  a  creator,  you     best  case,  your  new  routine
           we receive. And the reality     never  know  whether  you            should  be  so  simple  that  it
           is  that  most  messages  are   might get banned or blocked          doesn't take you more than 10
           p r o b a b l y   n o t   t h a t   on a platform (even if it's by
                                                                                minutes  per  day  to  start.
                                                                                Otherwise,  we  often  get
                                                                                tempted  to  skip  one  or  two
                                                                                days which ends up being an
                                                                                entire  skipped  month.  But  if
                                                                                you start small, you can ensure
                                                                                that you actually stick to your
                                                                                routine.  A  few  such  small
                                                                                habits  you  can  immediately
                                                                                s t a r t   a r e :   M e d i t a t i o n ,
                                                                                journaling,  stretching,
                                                                                reading,  breathing  exercises,
                                                                                or eating more healthy foods
                                                                                (e.g.,  by  snacking  fruits  or
           important  anyway.  Yet,  it  accident),  so  you  want  to          veggies).
           still  makes  sense  to  clean  make  sure  you  don't  lose         Relax
           your inboxes to ensure you  much in such a case.                     During most months, we're so
           don't  miss  any  exciting                                           busy  that  we  often  forget  to
                                           Choose one small habit that
           opportunities or important                                           pause and breathe.
                                           might change your life
           dates or deadlines.                                                  W e   r u s h   f r o m   o n e
                                           A  new  month  is  a  great
           Back up your data               opportunity  to  start  a  little    appointment  to  the  other,
           Once  you've  cleaned  up  monthly challenge and build a             work on endless to-do lists, try
           your  inboxes,  you  might  small yet helpful habit. Most            to show up for our loved ones,
           also  want  to  spend  a  few  people fail to build powerful         but often forget ourselves. And
           minutes  backing  up  your  habits because they start with           even though you should take
           digital  data,  such  as  ambitions  that  are  way  too             some time off more than just
           important documents you  big. They want to go for a run,             once per month, the last days
           received  throughout  the  meditate, take a cold shower,             of a month are a great time to
           month.  You  can  either  and drink a healthy smoothie               schedule  some  me-time  and
           create  backups  on  an  every  day  and  they  want  to             nourish your body, mind, and
           external hard disk or use a  start  immediately.  And  that's        soul.

           tool  like  Google  Drive.  I  exactly  why  they  fail.             Sometimes, all we need is an
           use  both,  depending  on  However,  if  done  correctly,            hour  spent  reading  a  great
           what exactly I back up.         small  habits  can  indeed  be       book  while  sipping  our
                                           life-changing, or at least life-     favorite drink or going on a
                                                                                                       Continue on pg 9
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