P. 6
Page 6 Mar - April, 2021
12 Things You Can Do At the End of
Is the Path to
Every Month to Have a Successful Year
Continued from pg 5 Entrepreneurship
difficulties? goals. Regularly checking Depending on your findings,
Worth it Considering
There's always something your finances helps you know you can set rules for the next
you can be proud of. You whether you're living within month (e.g., limit purchasing
most Startups fail?
just have to take the time to your means or above your certain items) to ensure you
acknowledge the small wins budget. Additionally, it helps reach your long-term financial
and not-so-obvious beauties you be more accountable and goals.
in your life. The end of a responsible, so you don't face Pick your priorities
month is the perfect time to a shocking surprise at the end As Stephen Covey once wrote,
do so. of the year. the key to a successful life is
Count your blessings not prioritizing what's on your
Similar to your wins, you schedule but scheduling your
can also write down all the priorities. Sometimes, we get
things you're grateful for. so caught up in our daily duties
Most of the time, we take our and to-dos that we forget to
lives and blessings for pause and reflect on where
granted and keep wanting we're actually heading. Most
more instead of appreciating people do a yearly reflection
what we already have. The and set goals at the beginning
end of a month is a great of a new year, but it's much
time to think of all the more effective to do it every
p e o p l e , t h i n g s , a n d month. That's why I decide
o p p o r t u n i t i e s y o u ' r e what I want to focus on
thankful for. Your monthly financial check- throughout the next month
Grab your favorite journal in depends on your money- before it starts.
or a piece of paper and write related goals: You can reflect And the truth is that even
down all the things you on your expenses and see though a month is a lot of time,
don't want to miss in your whether you spent more it often passes by quickly and
life. And if you don't know money than necessary, or you we find ourselves not knowing
what to write, start with the can focus on your income. what we actually did during the
things we're often not even Particularly if you're self-
aware of: Be grateful for employed or have a side-
your home, your health, and hustle, checking your
your ability to breathe, earnings to see how much
think, and move. Once you money you made might be
start writing, you'll quickly even more interesting than
realize that there are a lot reflecting on your purchases.
more things you can be
Of course, you can also
thankful for. combine the two and do an
Check your finances overall financial check-in.
If you have financial goals If you track your expenses
for the year, the end of the and income throughout the
month is an excellent month, this whole financial past weeks.
opportunity to see if you're reflection shouldn't take more But if you have one to three
on track to achieve those than 10–20 minutes. specific priorities, validating
Continue on pg 7