P. 7
Mar - April, 2021 Page 7
12 Things You Can Do At the End of
Continued from pg 6 Every Month to Have a Successful Year
how far you've come from the digital world for a you. This idea might first
throughout the month while to give your mind a seem exaggerated, but it's
b e c o m e s e a s i e r . digital reset. just a way to make sure you
Additionally, setting Even half a day without take care of your loved ones.
monthly priorities will help constantly scrolling on social
you avoid wasting your media can help you feel more At the end of each month,
time on tasks, relationships, relaxed and recharged. ask yourself whether there
or projects that don't are important people you
didn't talk to for a while.
contribute to your overall
Once you have a list of
names, choose a specific date
Reset your mind on which you'll actually call
The end of a month is a great or meet them. Even if you're
time to get rid of thoughts just going to call your sister
that might be holding you or grandpa, schedule it in
back from being your best your calendar as if it's an
self. A simple yet powerful actual appointment. If we
way to eliminate those don't do that, we often delay
limiting thoughts is doing a these activities that are
brain dump and writing actually important to our
down all the things you've overall happiness and
been worrying about in the satisfaction.
past weeks. Writing them
down helps you get those Nourish your network Clean up
thoughts out of your mind, When we're busy, we often Throughout the month, you
making it easier to process overlook taking care of our might often be so busy
and remove them. loved ones and nourishing getting stuff done that
personal and professional there's no time left to tidy
Additionally, eliminating your home and keep it clean.
relationships. And the truth is
those fears and negative Yet, the reality is that it's
that the pandemic didn't make
thoughts will help you much easier to perform at
this easier. That's why you
make space for more your best and live a happy
should create a networking plan
positive emotions and life if your home is clean and
to ensure you stay in touch
experiences. If possible, you with those who're important to tidy instead of cluttered.
could also try to disconnect That's why the end of the
month is a great opportunity
to do a quick round of
cleaning and get your home
back on track.
During this process, you can
also get rid of old things you
don't use anymore and make
space for the new month.
Clean your inboxes
In addition to cleaning your
home, you can also take care
Continue on pg 8