P. 5
Mar - April, 2021 Page 5
12 Things You Can Do At the End of
Every Month to Have a Successful Year
tart seeing months as habits. And the reality is that next month.
“mini years”. If done significant changes don't Give yourself permission to
Scorrectly, a new month happen all of a sudden anyway. celebrate life
can be a fresh start and serve They happen over time. Your Quite often, we get so mixed
as a little reset. This little life won't change because you
restart can influence your do something once in a while. If
entire life because, unlike you, however, keep doing it for
years, months are a great months or years, you might
period to pause, reflect, indeed experience a shift.
gather feedback, and correct
Here are 12 small things you
your course. If you set a 12-
can do at the end of each month
month goal and reflect on it at
to make the most out of your
the end of the period, you time throughout the year:
Get an overview
My non-negotiable at the end of
each month is to prepare the
next one. If you keep your up in our daily lives that we
calendar or planner up to date, forget to celebrate our wins
this won't take more than a few and milestones. That's why
minutes, but it'll help you gain you should take some time at
mental clarity and be well- the end of each month to be
prepared. To get a proper proud of yourself for all the
overview of the next month, things you've accomplished.
have a critical look at all the Have a look at your calendar
events, appointments, and and past to-do lists and
meetings that will happen in the appreciate your own efforts.
might realize that you've following weeks. Check Additionally, take a moment
been chasing the wrong goal whether there's a clash of to think of all the nice things
or following the wrong appointments and whether you that happened throughout the
strategy for an entire year. overlooked any major events month:
that might be happening soon. · Maybe you had a nice
If you, however, break it phone call with someone
down into months and view If you have approaching who's important to you?
each month as a new deadlines, you could, for
Maybe you're proud of
beginning, you can minimize instance, block certain days in · how often you worked out or
the risk of wasting your time. your calendar to ensure you'll meditated?
Just because you've set a goal make enough time for that
Or maybe you're just
at the beginning of a year particular project. If you realize · proud of making it through the
doesn't mean you need to that important birthdays or month despite lots of
follow that goal for 12 anniversaries are approaching, Continue on pg 6
months. Sometimes, you you can order greeting cards or We are on
realize that your desires and presents, so you don't have to
priorities changed, and worry later. Through this quick FACEBOOK &
accordingly, you should check-in, you can save lots of
change your plans and time and energy throughout the LINKEDLN