Page 49 - HSMP student project
P. 49

 How to conquer/overcome your fears and phobias
disorder/irrational fear that is caused by an excessive and unrealistic fear of a person, object, situation, activity, or animal. Now that we are acquainted with these terms you might be wondering “What is the difference between fear and phobia and how does anxiety involve these two terms?” The difference between fears and phobias is that fear(s) serves as an important survival mechanism that is supposed to alert and protect us from dangerous/harmful things in our environment, while phobias are a threat that does not exist or is greatly overemphasized. For example, it is only natural to be afraid of speaking in front of a large crowd of people, but it is illogical to be petrified of just speaking to a group of people that you are probably well acquainted with, as you might be if you have a fear of public speaking (​Glossophobia)​. Anxiety involves these two terms because it determines whether or not someone will develop a normal fear or an intense fear(phobia) towards something or someone. This is because with normal fear anxiety helps to make us alert and focused which in turn helps to protect us from dangerous threats. While with intense fear/phobia anxiety can become too strong/intense until the point where it begins to interfere with our everyday lives and daily activities. ​Fear and anxiety can last for a short amount of time and then pass, but if they develop into a phobia then they could possibly endure and end up lasting for a longer period of time. When this happens your fears/phobias can gain the ability to take control over your life, thus affecting your ability to do daily activities such as: eat, sleep, concentrate, travel, enjoy life, or even leave the house or go to work or school. Based on
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020
 By Enakeno April 21, 2020,
hat exactly is fear, anxiety, and phobia? Well, fear is the displeasing feeling that is triggered because of the perception that someone or something is a danger/threat that can likely be harmful to us. Then we have anxiety which is a mental disorder that is ​characterized/caused by feelings of worry or fears about what’s to come. Also, anxiety can be strong enough to impede one's everyday life as well as daily activities if not treated. While a phobia is a type of anxiety

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