Page 50 - HSMP student project
P. 50

 this it is apparent that fear can be a good thing if it warns/alerts a person to stay safe around something or someone that could be dangerous/or a threat. But sometimes fear can become dangerous to us when it causes more worry about a situation, thing, or person than what is necessary. This is when your fears become phobias. But despite this people can learn to conquer/handle phobias by gradually facing their fears instead of avoiding them. You could do this by making a list of the things that you fear in least-to-worst order. By doing this you are making it easier on yourself to find out which fear you can overcome easily which is a great place to start when trying to overcome fears. During this exposure process, you’ll learn to realize that before you can overcome your fears/phobias you have to first ride out the anxiety and fear that you feel or experience because of something or someone until it naturally goes away. By going through continuous encounters facing your fear, you’ll realize and understand that the worst will not happen to you; you’re not going to die or lose control of your emotions and have an outburst. With each encounter, you’ll begin to feel more confident, assured, and in control of your ability to be able to face your fears/phobias and eventually overcome them since the brain adjusts how it responds and the phobia is overcome. Other ways to overcome one’s fear is by getting therapy, exercise, relaxation, healthy eating, avoiding alcohol, faith/spirituality, learn to calm down quickly, challenge negative thoughts about your phobia, or practicing techniques such as mindfulness meditation or aerobic exercise which can help to reduce one’s fear and anxiety when dealing
with what makes them afraid/worried. Fear can lead to phobias over time if someone is constantly in contact with their fears but they can overcome their fears by using things/strategies such as therapy or facing their fears.
ike all emotions, fear can vary in intensity; it could be mild, medium, or extremely intense, but this depends on the person who is experiencing fear as well as the thing or situation that the person fears. A feeling of fear can sometimes be brief or it can last longer but that as mentioned before depends mainly on how brave the person is to overcome their fears. This can end up restraining you from doing things you want or need to do because out of fear you will try to avoid the thing or person that makes you scared. It also affects your health since it can result in stress and stress causes people to become depressed, fatigued, or even cause them to have anxiety. When this happens, fears become phobias. As a result, fear can be paralyzing and hold us back from living life fully and productively. Fear can cause us to live in the background of our lives because we would be missing out on a lot of things. It has the unprecedented ability to freeze us in our tracks and put a limit on what we are willing to try and do out of the fear that we might end up in harm's way. This can lead us to live a smaller life just to try and be safe from harm. But if we find ways to overcome these fears then we will be able to venture forth and live a productive life.
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020

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