Page 13 - My FlipBook 1
P. 13


                                                                                 An Easygoing

                                                                                        Shoe That

                                                                               Works Hard All
                 SUEDE ESPADRILLES
                 ($495) AND PONY-HAIR
                 ESPADRILLES ($650)
                 BY GIUSEPPE ZANOTTI.                                                      by DAVID BURTON

              THE ESPADRILLE IS THE MOST EGALITAR-  up—you can pick them up for a song at super-  than plain, and because these are idlers’ shoes,
              ian summer shoe. It eschews elitism, and it   markets and gas stations. But for me, the Côte   I always wear them with the backs folded flat
              doesn’t differentiate between tax brackets,   d’Azur is their true stomping (or maybe shuf-  under my heels like mules. Espadrilles are by
              much less genders. It doesn’t even discrimi-  fling) ground. They’re ideal for lolling about at   nature work-shy, and yet, paradoxically, they
              nate between your left and right feet. (Really;   home or hitting the market or the beach, yet   are efficient multitaskers. In the summer, they
              with old-school versions, you can switch it up.)  ironically—for something traditionally made of   do an admirable job of being all-day slippers
               You can buy espadrilles in fancy boutiques   braided rope and canvas—espadrilles are not   (perfect with all-day pajamas), they make a
              and online, but these are quintessentially sim-  for sailing. A lot of water is the death of them,   great nonslip alternative to flip-flops, and they
              ple shoes, and best when you don’t muck about   though a little does help the fitting process, as   won’t overheat in the sun. Dressed up a bit,
              with them. In their native Basque and Catalan   the rope soles will swell and mold better to your   they even double as loafers—as long as your
              regions (straddling the border of France and   feet. Still, their natural habitat is heat and dust.  ankles have seen enough sun. Which reminds
              Spain) and all of southern France—where I stock   I prefer mine in marine-striped cotton rather   me: No socks, please.

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