Page 15 - My FlipBook 1
P. 15

Forever grasping at the past as life sped into the future.   tent that was fun and familiar. More
          Now that I’m older, I realize the song is almost defi-  than a third of us reported watching
        nitely about anal. But my youthful interpretation of   BOWL OF CAP’N CRUNCH.  things we’d already seen. We wanted
        it has proved to be true: In times of stress, when the   a laugh, but more than anything, we
        pressures of the present are too much to bear, I do   THE MENTAL-HEALTH BENEFIT OF A   Rule No. 287  NEVER UNDERESTIMATE   needed to be sure of an ending.   Young
        find myself lookin’ for the good stuff, which requires   As the weeks stretched on, some   Again
        a little backstrokin’ to the television, movies, and   of us found ourselves digging a little
        music of the 1970s and ’80s, a time when things were,   deeper. In my experience, when
        if not less complicated, then at least complicated for   you’ve been in the same sweatpants   Back in 1974,  Neil Young
        someone else. And now that we’re living with the   for three days, things like “following   recorded what his label
        trauma of a pandemic, I see that we’re reaching back   a story arc” become an unnecessary   was absolutely sure would
        to old comforts, via Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube.   strain. I programmed the destination   be an album stacked with
          We’ve been spending these endless days and nights   coordinates on my Quarantine Time   hits.  Young was certainly
        in the Quarantine Time Machine, and though I have   Machine to a more remote time and   in the market for a few—
        no idea what the world is going to look like when this   space: old game shows. There is a   Time Fades Away  and On
        issue comes out, I’d bet dollars to grocery-store-brand   network called Buzzr that has immediately become   the Beach,  his two pre-
        doughnuts that the future you is still time-traveling.   indispensable; it offers a 24/7 stream of game shows   vious LPs,  hadn’t fared
          It didn’t start this way. As COVID-19 spread through   from throughout TV history, particularly the ’70s   well with fans.  But  Home-
        the country, we lost access to our go-to self-soothing   through the ’90s. It’s a freer, more day-drunk world   grown,  a de facto musi-
        tool of “being outside of our homes” and wound up   on Buzzr, as Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly   cal companion to 1972’s
        craving a shared cultural escape. So we turned to   smoke and spar on Match Game. It’s a more joyous   behemoth  Harvest  written
        Netflix’s Tiger King, in numbers that eclipsed the view-  place to spend your time, as couples in matching   in the wake of  his break-
        ership for even Stranger Things. It was good for about   sweatshirts sprint toward the fish sticks on Super-  up with girlfriend Carrie
        one week, before we understood there was nobody   market Sweep. It calls to mind the more pleasant   Snodgress,  was never re-
        to root for, and that animal cruelty is hard to watch   aspects of being home sick from school, and the   leased—until now. “It was a
        even if the guy doing it is wearing sequins in the day-  stakes are low enough to keep your blood pressure   little too personal,” Young
        time. We crazy cats and kittens said, “No, thank you.”   from spiking; the dollar amounts are small but still   said in 1975 of the decision
          The Golden Age of Television has been studded   larger than a government stimulus check.   in an interview with Rolling
        with antiheroes: Frank Underwood, Walter White,   I don’t know when I’ll be able to go to a concert   Stone.  “It scared me.” He
        the nameless character at the heart of Fleabag. But   again, but in the meantime, I’ve let the Quarantine   echoed the sentiment re-
        this was a time for . . . pro-heroes. A time for comfort   Time Machine book me tickets to some great ones.   cently as he announced
        and stability. We needed an escape to a simpler place,   In the Before Times, the quickest way to make an   the plan for the legendary
        and since we couldn’t move our bodies anywhere,   enemy of me was to go to any rock show I was at, be   work to emerge: “It’s the
        in my house, that place was Cheers. Its familiar multi-  anywhere in my eyeline, pull out your iPhone, and   sad side of a love affair. The
        camera rhythms gave our nights some stability, the   start capturing video. For more than a decade, I have   damage done.  The heart-
        peerless writing brought laughter back into our lives,   quietly stewed at these people. “When are you going   ache.  I just couldn’t listen
        and it was uplifting to watch people perform an ide-  to watch this?” I would scream—internally.   to it. I wanted to move on.”
        alized version of what we were all doing, i.e., slowly   It took a safer-at-home order to make me see the   Seven of the 12 songs had
        drinking ourselves to death in a single room. We   truth: These kind strangers were filming it for me.   never been released be-
        didn’t have any answers about our basic safety, but   Do as I have done: Search YouTube for your favorite   fore in any studio album,
        we knew the problem of the week would be wrapped   artists, scroll on past the official videos, and there   including “Separate Ways,”
        up for Sam and Diane within 22 commercial-free min-                                    a pedal-steel-laden lament
        utes, and in the moment, that was enough.                                              for the lonely, and the dev-
          The movies of 2020 are sitting on shelves and will   WE NEEDED AN ESCAPE TO A        astating “Try,” which adapts
        be for who knows how long, but in the meantime,                                        some of Snodgress’s actual
        there are hundreds of hours of old sitcoms waiting   SIMPLER PLACE. IN MY HOUSE,       phrases into lyrics.  And as
        to be rediscovered: Taxi, The Mary Tyler Moore Show,   THAT PLACE WAS CHEERS.          has long been rumored,
        The Bob Newhart Show. Living in the past is generally                                  the record features both
        frowned upon, but when the present is this rotten,                                     the Band’s Levon Helm
        it’s pretty much your only option. Given the choice   they are—videos of shows you missed because you   and Dr.  John acolyte Karl
        between it and another information-deficient press   didn’t happen to live in Kansas City in 2011. Thanks   T.  Himmel on drums,  plus
        briefing, I will throw myself into the Quarantine Time   to being homebound, I’ve been to a Frank Turner   Emmylou Harris on back-
        Machine any day. I know this, because I have.   festival show in Holland in 2019 and a Jason Falkner   ing vocals.  All the tracks
          Media-research company Magid found that media   gig in a Tokyo basement restaurant in 2016, all from   were painstakingly mas-
        consumption has increased in the past few months—  the comfort of the home I am forbidden to leave.   tered to vinyl from the
        findings that were published in the trade journal   The world is in chaos. I don’t know who I’m going   original analog tapes.  To
        Yeah, No Kidding—but also that the kind of media   to be when you read this. But I do know this: The   listen to them is to finally
        we’ve been looking for has changed. At the begin-  past—as packaged into sitcoms, game shows, and   hear one of the necessary
        ning of the year, we sought out shows that were new   bootlegged concerts—is exactly as it was, and it feels   building blocks of  one of
        and thrilling: a Jack Ryan, an Ozark. But the dawn of   much better.                   American music’s  finest
        the COVID-19 era saw an increase in searches for con-  Tighten up on your backstroke. The water’s warm.   catalogs. —Madison Vain

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