Page 5 - My FlipBook 1
P. 5

                                                       SUMMER 2020
       “That’s when it hit
        me: ‘Okay, if I mess
        this up, my career is
        basically over.’
        The pressure hit for
        a moment, for
        those two hours,
        and then I was back.
        I was okay after.”
                                                                                                      T H E
        PAGE 44                                                                                           S U M M E R
          QQ群: 970508760

        08 EDITOR’S LETTER                                                                                     S W E R V E
        11  T H E  S H O R T  S T O R I E S
           An easygoing shoe that
                                                                                                      Now’s the time
           works hard all summer;                                                                   for a style switch-
           entering the golden
                                                                                                     up. From a suit
           age of the TV rewatch
           and the YouTube con-                                                                     like peak Richard
                                                                                                     Gere’s to a Tyler,
           cert; bags that can carry
           it all; an interview with                                                                  the Creator–
                                                                                                    approved sweater
           Marisa Tomei, master
           of playing the carefree                                                                    vest (yes, even
           yet complex sidekick;                                                                      in the warmer
           can a mustache make                                                                        months), we’ll
           you feel better?;                                                                         show you how to
           Esquire’s 2020 Dubious                                                                      keep things
           Achievement Awards;                                                                         interesting.
           what the pandemic
           has taught us about why
           we love restaurants.
        31  THE BEST BARS IN
           AMERICA, 2020
           Twenty-seven drinking           QQ群: 970508760
           experiences for when             F E AT U R E S
           we’ll really need them.
                                         44 MASTER OF THE     72 FULL SPEED AHEAD      world health crisis,
        42 STATE OF UNREALITY               MOMENT               by Bruce Schoenfeld   45 artists gathered for
           by Charles P. Pierce             by Kate Storey       Justin Gatlin won Olym-  one of the most extraor-
           In this year of plague           He’s Spike Lee’s leading   pic gold in the 100-meter   dinary recording ses-
           and monumental                   man. He’s the star    dash—16 years ago.   sions in music history.
           disruption, a collective         of Christopher Nolan’s   Despite setbacks caused
           sense of dissociation            Tenet. John David Wash-  by the pandemic,    88 HOW ESSENTIAL
           is settling in. Just             ington is here to stay.  he’s still a contender.  IS MY FACIAL
           in time for the election.                                                   FEMINIZATION
                                         54 WHAT WE’RE LEARN-  76 A STILL LIFE         SURGERY?
                                            ING FROM THE VIRUS   Skip the logos. These   by Harron Walker
        O N  T H E  C O V E R
        JOHN DAVID WASHINGTON               20 lives, 20 perspec-  simply luxurious acces-  I had one procedure
        PHOTOGRAPHED BY DOMINIC             tives. (Turn the page for   sories are the last words   left before my transition
        MILLER. STYLING BY NICK             a preview.)          in your summer look.  would be complete.
        SULLIVAN. STYLING ASSISTANCE                                                   Then COVID-19
        BY SAMANTHA MCMILLEN. JACKET,    66 ESCAPOLOGY        82 THE SONG              happened.
        SHIRT, AND BOOTS BY LOUIS           Fashion’s best summer   by Ryan D’Agostino
        VUITTON MEN’S. TROUSERS AND         offerings are a ticket to   On a night 35 years    96 ESQUIRE ENDORSES
        JEWELRY, WASHINGTON’S OWN.          everywhere.          ago, during another   Older sisters.

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