Page 33 - Resources and Support for the Online Educator
P. 33
have a tripod, but if you don’t, at least find a solid surface to set the camera
on. I almost always find some way to set the camera down when I’m filming.
It could be as simple as a table or shelf. When I record my announcement
videos, I prop up my phone on the handles of a cabinet in my room because
it happens to be the perfect height. Over the years I’ve accumulated more
tools. You may want the following:
• A tripod that will hold your device on a table for videos where you want
to sit and record talking directly to the camera
• A tripod that will hold your device at a height of 50” to 70” for videos
where you want to more in the shot or for standing videos
• A selfie stick for adding unique angles in your videos
2. You need some way to hit record: Since you won’t be holding the cam -
era, you need a way to push record on your device. For some videos, I don’t
mind if the viewer sees me lean forward and push record. But if I want a
video to look more professional, I have a clicker to push record or I edit
out the first few seconds of the video. Most tripods come with a clicker that
connects to your device through Bluetooth.
3. You need some way to capture the sound: Audio can make the differ -
ence between an effective video and one that distracts from the learning.
The built-in audio on most devices works just fine when you are starting
out, but eventually you may also want the following:
• A condenser microphone that connects to your device
• A lavalier microphone (one that clips to your clothing) that connects to
your device
Whichever microphone you go with, make sure it connects to your device.
For example, when Apple stopped including a headphone jack on the iP -
hone, I had to get an adapter for my lavalier microphone.
4. You need to create the best lighting: Lighting can be tricky, especially
in a school setting. Fluorescent lighting can be dull. You need to make sure
there aren’t any bright glares on the camera screen. I’ve been able to get by
just fine by recording during the day when possible and making sure to ad -
just the blinds to allow as much natural light in as I can. When I don’t have
Technology 101 109
Awesome Sauce: Create Videos to Inspire Students, Engage Parents and Save You Time 33