Page 29 - Resources and Support for the Online Educator
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3. Create a YouTube channel to house all your videos.
You need a hub for all these amazing
videos you are creating, a one-stop YouTube Privacy Settings
shop for anything that might benefit
your students. You’ll be shocked at YouTube currently has three settings for
the number of students who come into posting videos:
your class for the first time and can 1. Public: This is usually the default
already tell you a lot about your class setting. It allows you to post videos
for anyone to see. These videos are
and upcoming lessons. They will stalk searchable.
you. They will look through every 2. Unlisted: These are videos that can
video you’ve posted. only be viewed by clicking on the video
link directly. These aren’t searchable
It. Is. Awesome.
and are generally secure. The only
YouTube is also a great way to stay concern is that the person you share the
connected to students and parents. link with could also share the link with
Share your YouTube channel link someone else without your knowledge.
with parents and encourage them to 3. Private: These videos can only be
subscribe. If they do, they will auto - viewed by inviting the user to view the
video through an e-mail invite. This is
matically get notified when you post the most secure setting, but at the mo -
something new. This will always keep ment only fifty people can be invited to
them up to date with the most recent view a video at one time.
happenings in your class.
4. Create YouTube playlists for different purposes.
If you’re like me, you overload your channel with videos. If you post too many
different videos, students and parents won’t know which ones they should
watch. So, put the most important ones in playlists, which help you to keep
them organized by type.
I create videos for teachers, parents, and students. Students don’t care about
the latest features in the gradebook program, just like teachers don’t care that
Dr. Vonn Stock is using similes and metaphors to attack a pirate ship.
Top 10 Expanded 105
Awesome Sauce: Create Videos to Inspire Students, Engage Parents and Save You Time 29