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                                                        “Journey through time”
                                                        After over thirty years (1973-2005) of parallel activities in both plastic art and
                                                        design, we felt the need to chronicle and present this special journey of ours.
                                                        we chose to create a book in the ‘orthodox’ fashion, we finally ended up following
                                                        our own individual way, as always. We experienced the process of preparing this
                                                        edition as a true challenge, since we treated it from the outset as a visual project
                                                        in its own right; as one more ‘journey’ into art, in which it is the travelling itself that
                                                        counts most.
                                                        We started this book with the idea of letting our work flow freely and express itself
                                                        outside any confining patterns. Visual projects, design creations, one-off pieces –
                                                        everything coexists with one another in harmony. The various stages and mile-
                                                        stones in this course could not but be documented in this edition. After all, it is the
                                                        multifaceted character of our projects which has defined our work and brought it
                                                        where it is today. It was our conscious decision to let all aspects of our work and
                                                        creativity to emerge side by side and thus to demonstrate their interaction and
                                                        their contribution to shaping our personal artistic identity.
                                                        This open approach to our rich archive material was further reinforced by our
                                                        deliberate decision to avoid a chronological or thematic presentation of our cre-
                                                        ations. Instead, we invite readers to ‘travel’ back and forth around all aspects of
                                                        our work and thus identify themselves with our quests in all directions. We did not
                                                        wish to
                                                        create a classic monograph, and so we decided to carry out the task of this book
                                                        Inevitably, any course off the beaten path means added difficulties and challenges.
                                                        So as the book was going through the various stages of creation, page by page,
                                                        there were more than a few rethinks and changes in both form and content. This
                                                        final form was preceded by three different, complete versions in the course of the
                                                        last ten years. To us the ‘wager’ was clear: we had to manage to instil in readers
                                                        the need to travel with us in the world of art, of our aesthetic quests; to enjoy, sim-
                                                        ply by leafing through the book, some forceful images, unique creations and a
                                                        feeling of eager anticipation for the challenges we set to him and which we had to
                                                        face ourselves at each time. Another thing is that we wanted to depict the
                                                        atmosphere of the time.
                                                        Throughout this process of recording and creating, which went through all those
                                                        stages of rethinking and change, we had some invaluable support and inputs by
                                                        the visual artist Diohanti and the graphic designer Phaedon Paraskevas, who
                                                        our passion in completing this project and stood by our side. An also valuable
                                                        contribution is that of art critics and journalists, excerpts from whose writings are
                                                        included in the book to make it better understood and more complete.
                                                        We were able to carry out this complex project thanks to the complete and
                                                        systematic archiving of all our work from the beginning of our career, in the form
                                                        of photographic material, super-8 film or video.
                                                        As we said, the book covers the years from 1973 to 2005. It is about the
                                                        evolutionary course of two artists who have been travelling together and enjoying
                                                        their course through art with all their heart, whether it crosses the land of quests
                                                        and the avant-garde or stops at international events and distinctions. We are
                                                        proud of the fact that this book already reflects the spirit of the new member of
                                                        STUDIO METAPLASI, Sophia Zoubouli, an accomplished creator with her own
                                                        views who was born and ‘moulded’ as an artist within this environment.
                                                        Visual work, interior design, furniture, unique projects all taking part in a dialogue
                                                        with no dividing lines.
                                                        We invite you to share this journey, and we thank you.
                                                        Zouboulis - Grekou
                                                        Athens, April 2005
                                         “Journey through time”     NIKOS ZOUBOULIS           TITSA GREKOU
                                         by Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou
                                         Athens, April 2005
                                      13                         15                        17                         19
                Art in the home environment  Time machine  From the "Futuristic Reconstruction of the Universe" by Fortunato Depero (with the practical help
                                                       of Rovereto's art workshops in Rome, Palermo and Milan) to the eccentric and more-or-Iess industrial
                The design work of Studio Metaplasi aims to incorporate the spirit and ideas of a number of different  Unified and completed form is now replaced by a more limited and partial aspect which no longer  design created by some founding fathers such as Rogers, Ponti, Albini and Mollino; from a "subversive" to
                languages of aesthetic expression and a variety of techniques, both old and new, manifested within  represents absolute truth but rather a counterfeit image of it, which imitates the ‘profundity of the  I had become acquainted with Studio Metaplasi and its founders - Nikos Zoumboulis and Titsa  a general atmosphere of rationalism deployed as dogma - as by Caccia Dominioni, a "citationist", and Gae
                free and spontaneous visual relationships, as applied to both decorative and utility objects of our daily  superficial’, as observed by A. Mendini one of the founders of STUDIO ALCHEMIA which together with  Grekou - in a superficial manner only, while now, in view of their imposing work evidenced in this book,  Aulenti, a neo-libertarian - to the playful explosion and conscious scoffing of Alchemy by Mendini and of
                environment.  the MEMPHIS GROUP and its important founding personality E. SOTTSASS jr., who pioneered the new era  I have come face to face with how intense and significant Zoumboulis's, Grekou's and the Studio's  Memphis by Sottsass, Jr., following the abstract attacks
                            of design establishing Italy among the first and richest of sources of inspiration for the post-modern spirit.  presence has been in the field of figurative, applied and industrial arts in Europe.  driven by anti-design and Radical in the Seventies.
                A variety of materials, complex syntheses of forms, rhythmic representations, sections of decorative
                elements or motifs are all integrated into a new fusion of taste, giving a fresh expression to familiar house-  Characteristic are the worlds of E. SOTTSASS jr., who studied the development of art within the frame-  Right in front of me or anybody else browsing through these pages, there are thirty years of  Alchemy and 'Memphis certainly break the tight circle of modernity, which by that time had become
                hold objects. Thus though the use of the object may remian the same, often with functional innovations and  work of the restrictions imposed upon it by the principle of functionality, observed that: "Owing to the need  experience, visions, designs and utopias which do not simply recount one story but multiple ones:  the rule to a great extent on both the good and the bad since it was connected with the requirements of
                improvements, the image is changed becoming more playful, inspired by the imagination and the dream-  of conversing with allegory and utopia... anf owing to the necessity of moving out of the way... we now exist  the personal story of their authors, the story of civilisation and Greek art from the Seventies, from the  commerce and industry, but above all, the glorious legacy of applied and decorative arts is reinstated from
                pictures of fantasy. In this way a fairy - tale world is created giving us surprising and fresh directions in  after having aqquired some experience, we have become capable explorers. Perhaps. we even know how  previous century to this day; the story of art, architecture and design in Europe, especially in the nearest  the inexhaustible, albeit forgotten and ostracised, mines of history; in other words, craftsmen and
                the history and pattern of development in aesthetic taste.  to sail in huge and dangerous rivers, how to penetrate jungles never before explored. There is no reason to  and my/our dearest of all European countries, Italy.  handicrafts.
                            be troubled, we can, at last, advance with a light step, the worst has been passed".
                The alienation of the applied arts, which happened to coincide with the more general crisis in the art  Like in an smooth sequence in which sources, creations, visions and designs glide along  Besides, had not Philip Johnson done the same thing in his effort to recover/evoke the history of
                world during the decade of the 70's, from the principles and purpose of function, as inherited in this century  This passage to the field of free transformation of values, today a characteristic element of the visual  "the main and secondary roads" (to use the title of one of the most exemplary paintings by Paul Klee)  architecture when, in 1979, he designed the broken pediment and the monumental hall of the AT&T
                from the fathers of modern art whose ideas on the main stemmed from the Bauhaus. Up until about that  environment, is represented in Greece by the founding of STUDIO METAPLASI. Nikos Zoumboulis and  of the thirty-year long "cultural production" which was ,.. formulated in the periphery of the Old Continent  skyscraper in New York, a provocative and conscious tribute to Vitruvio and Leon Battista Alberti?
                time, the general climate affected artists, architects and designers in a manner that made them face the  Titsa Graikou turned to the applied arts at this time with the specific aim of functioning as catalists to the  by an artist/designer in the dark ages of the junta (in Colonel-governed Greece, 1967-1974), the artist  When in 1980, Strada Novissima, which was designed by Paolo Portoghesi, opened in Venice and Aldo
                visual image ideologically and consequently to by-pass the autenticity and meaning-fullness that can be  barrier between art and the need for a more direct contact with the social whole.  always looked further on in order to 'eXplore the vast sea of artistic thoughts, practices, stimuli and the  Rossi's Gran Teatro del Mondo was docked on the waters, it became evident that something had changed,
                found in fundamental and basic forms of aesthetic communication.  very examples which - like foundations - conditioned and determined his choices and their  that - to use Marinetti' s words in Manifesto del Futurismo - "time and space had died yesterday" ...
                             Their involvement in the arts started about ten years ago. As soon as they had completed the Doxiades  materialisation.  In 1984, when Zoumboulis and Grekou established their Studio there was "great confusion under the sky"
                For the post-war avant-garde the spirit of modern art, exemplified in a variety of ways, can in all its  School they began searching for ways which would allow them to achieve a direct and living relationship  but also the awareness that it was not possible "to return to order" and that it was necessary to heed the
                forms of expression and visual manifestations be found in the environment. Science and technology, like  with the common man. From the beginning they adopted the physical language of bodily action.  On his own person and actions, then, and later when his association with Grekou was established,  weight of History and Memory as vital and constituent elements.
                the infrastructure of a building, furtively underlie all artistic expression. Consequently from the decade of the  Their "happenings" from 1972 onwards (at first in collaboration with other artists and later on their own)  Zoumboulis collected, suggestions and thoughts which had arisen and emerged from space and time:  In this way, the Studio became a workshop/forge, a showroom and laboratory where next to the laminated
                60's onward a strong inclination appears towards the dissolution of the earlier aesthetic related to the object  were some of the most original and dynamic events which have taken place in Greece. The basic materials  from the indispensable legacy of classical Greece to the world of decoration of the Nineteen-Twenties and  plastic lay marble or plaster pillar fragments, well-shaped pieces of wood and furniture comparable to those
                and towards emphasizing more the intellectual and psychological aspects of art. In the area of design and  they used in that period were the human body itself and rubber latex that versatile substance they made  Thirties (from the Futurism created by Depero & C. between the two wars to the refinements of applied arts  made by an intoxicated Piffetti or a Depero F in the culmination of joy.
                applied arts, everything superfluous, every element and form thich does not directly express the function  themselves.  in Europe brought about by Art Deco); from the disruptive display of performances in conceptual space to
                of the object, is discarded.  the production of objects, environments and habitats.  Materials, forms and compositions which recount history and stories encapsulate both the notion
                             The earlier spontaneous happenings wele later to change, stage by stage, into the more controllable  of research and recovery. Designs which always take into account their final destination: objects for houses
                However history has a way of bringing unexpected. development. From the middle of the decade of  form of a performance and enriched by a variety of more sophisticated means such as:sound, light, scenic  And all this was collected, revealed and drawn in a visual-existential continuum which breaks  where real people live, furnishings for really inhabited surroundings, environments where humans,
                the 70's, the art world reacted violently and with irony towards the political crises which had gone towards  construction, sculpture, paintings, a whole range of material and visual images. At this stage their work  temporal limitations, eliminates the linearity of events and becomes a "container"~, a custodian, and  recognisable by their own specific individuality, live and move about.
                disintegrating the established points of the ideological reference with which artists had identified for the  came to openly project an intense and serious preoccupation with the complexity of man's relationship to  a dynamic and vital depository. A "Time Machine" in which the past, the present and the future coexist,
                whole of the 20th century and which were naw placed elsewhere in unidentified directions.  art and its multi-faceted aspects of development and varied transformations. This path led them to a purely  as if in a game of mirrors, reflections and light. Synchronicity which turns into flow, journey and memory.  The showroom Artemida in Athens represents the epitome, the manifestation of this particular sense
                            eclectic relationship to art, leadingthem away from their basic interest, which was to seek to revive and  of time, space and modernity which have become history: objects of stem design which live - re-live? -
                As a result the art world came to be constituted of a humber of differing the often opposing  restore means with which the artist could create a direct approach both to the social whole and to the  Thus, from the performances of the Seventies (when Nikos was only nineteen years old!)  in a luxurious and stroboscopic environment that is run through - or rather governed by - an imposing and
                tendencies; neo-expressionism and revivals of even earlier periods reappeared, while at the same time,  immediate environment of the individual.  the images of classical sculpture emerge -live and moving - re-created as if on the stage of a Chinese  well-shaped staircase standing classic and still like the eye of the hurricane where the winds whirl around
                both in thought and in practice, there is a tendency to salvage values and images from all periods of the  shadow theatre. The forms and volumes are better and more evocatively projected and delineated due to  and the clouds of the storm gather close.
                history of civilization, which are then combined without any evaluation of the underlying ideas, into a multi-  Their initiative in starting to construct objet-d'art furniture was for them an ideological step to take  their being covered in latex which hides faces and bodies in order to transform them into something "else",
                faceted mode of expression. However there is a common characteristic to all these tendencies: the desire  which balanced, on the one hand their relationship to art, while on the other, their relation to the social  be that "the W,  Such is the image of postmodernism as perceived by Studio Metaplasi. An image which successfully
                to revive a more immediate and direct relationship of the artist to his painting and the sculptor to his  environment. This initiative is more fully fullfilled after their finfing a common spirit in the architects  Winged Victory of Samothrace" floating on wind-blown veils or "the Maidens" who are wrapped up in  tallies with the writings of Alessandro Mendini in the editorial of "Modo", volume 1 (1977): "[...] to invent...
                sculpture.  Thanassi Tzivelo and Panagiotis Hatzina and in the painter and ceramist Anneta Mylonoyianni.  pleated gowns. But that is not all: in these three-dimensional, phantoms we 'also find deviations from  objects not only appropriate, necessary, austere, anti-authoritarian but also fanciful ones, light-hearted
                Architecture followed a parallel path, a path of the fantastic and the surreal. The building and its  Baroque statuary which reconstructs on marble the subtlest breath of arrested life at the very moment of  ones, creative and amusing objects to be bought, sold, lent, given away, destroyed...", but above all, object
                environment are now designed as an integral whole symbolically relating images and rythms, emphasizing  The objects designed and constructed by this team, although stamped by the spirit which has in  transformation... But isn't this exactly what is happening today with Momix and Cirque du Soleil in front of  that would tally with Francois Burkhardt's remarks in his statement delivered in the Triennale di Milano in
                the creation of original and de-personalized space. Thus the ideological significance of the individuals sin-  recent years predominated in the new design movement, are on the main characterized by the very  our own very eyes? It is exactly the feeling of an eternally present Time and the very existence of Memory  1977 ("Fatto ad Arte" edited by Ugo La Pietra): "The term "post-modem" is [...] first and foremost an attitude
                gular relation to his environment led many artists and architects to become involved in the world of utility  personal path of expression traced by. the artists in their desire to create syntheses borrowed from different  which was to lead - inevitably, I would say - Zoumboulis and Grekou towards design, designing things,  towards the loss of identity which is afoot in post-modem society in its evolution towards meta-modernism
                and function and bence objects of daily use.  historical contexts, symbolic references, techniques and materials. In this manner a way of serving the  landscapes and spaces where the protagonist is Man himself, laden with stories and experiences.  which , is led on by technological [...] and financial transformations... '.
                                                       In a monolithic civilisation which is centred and founded on the concept of uniformity, what follows is a
                            visual environment is established through the unique and unrepeatable images, which are directed at and
                Towards the end od the decade of the 70's, an important exhibition, Biennale 80, was organized in  are of immediate interest to contemporary man, as a means of expression of his individuality and particular  A design that was to find a grammar in post-modern discourse, a particular syntax, a "language",  culture based on differentiation and specificity. . .
                Venice, bringing together a large and greatly differing variety of proposals by architects from allover the  personality.  that was to become a real object, perceptible by the senses, the mind and the heart.
                world, manifesting a spirit which validated the acute observation which had been made sometime back by  Nevertheless, this postmodernism looks at the past, the present. and the future in a vision in which  The concept of hybridisation of different types of activity [craftsmanship and industrial production]
                one of the most avant-garde of architectural oritics, E.N. Rogers, when be stated that it was necessary for  STUDIO METAPLASI was created as a nucleus of free creativity in the area of the applied arts,  everything coexists, intertwines and is transformed. It is a vision which speaks, and what is more,  can give birth to intermediate values and practices which open up new prospects on possibilities which are
                contemporary architecture "to close its bill with tradition’’.  seeking to stimulate and encourage the artist's involvement in the formation of the domestic environment.  it speaks Italian.  yet to be explored. . . ".
                             Without doubt, this endeavour establishes in Greece the first and unprecedented step in the  From the "Futuristic Reconstruction of the Universe" by Fortunato Depero (with the practical help of
                The tradition of the Bauhaus had been founded on beliefs based on an idealized image of society, which  development of the relationship between art and man.  Rovereto's art workshops in Rome, Palermo and Milan) to the eccentric and more-or-Iess industrial design  Therefore, navigating the great sea of images, things and memories in the infinite worlds which
                was somehow incorporated in the Golden Mean and then applied and formulated in the environment in  created by some founding fathers such as Rogers, Ponti, Albini and Mollino; from a "subversive" to a  intertwine, interbreed and transform in front of our very eyes in a continuous birth and re-birth in order
                a directly austere and strictly functional manner, while today's tendency is on the contrary, to reject the  Efi Strousa  general atmosphere of rationalism deployed as dogma - as by Caccia Dominioni, a "citationist", and Gae  to be picked and transformed into something that gives life to man - hie et nunc - yesterday, like today and
                uniformity of this austere simplicity, inventing and creating strange and varied combinations, forming  Aulenti, a neo-libertarian - to the playful explosion and conscious scoffing of Alchemy by Mendini and of  tomorrow - is a touching adventure, or at least a journey, as Xavier De Maistre used to say, "around my
                multi-coloured retorts to the conservative past with elements gleaned from the world of the decorative arts.  Athens 1984  Memphis by Sottsass, Jr., following the abstract attacks  room".
                                          driven by anti-design and Radical in the Seventies.
                                                       Anty Pansera
                                                       Milano, September 2005
               Art in the home environment   Time machine                                     Palindrome I  I.C.C., Antwerp 1982
               Essay                     Essay                                                View of Installation - Performance
               by Efi Strousa            by Anty Pansera                                      Detail
               Athens, May 1984          Milano, September 2005                               Wood structure, stretched white latex columns
                                                                                              and surfaces, electric light
                                                                                              Music Gunther Becker
                                      21                         23                        25                         27
               Palindrome I  I.C.C., Antwerp 1982  Palindrome II  1982  Installation - Performance  Retroaction 1981  Installation - Performance  Dias 1984  Table
               Stills from Installation - Performance  Dias 1984  Table and chairs  Dias 1984  Coffee table  Negative of pencil drawing
               With Titsa Grekou         Photomontage               Photomontage
                                      29                         31                        33                         35
               Dias 1984                 Dias 1984  Table and chairs  INTERIEUR '86  Dias 1984  SAD '85 Paris 1985
               Coffee table              Computer generated drawing  Kortrijk Belgium 1986  Chairs   650 Createurs Europeens, Grand Palais, Paris
               Plate glass top, solid wood base veneered            10th International  Under production   Exhibition advertisement insert in
               in anegre with 3 bronze spheres    100 h40 cm        Biennial of Interior  at STUDIO METAPLASI  Le nouvel OBSERVATEUR magazine,
               Plate glass top, white Dionysos marble base          Design Creativity   factory   no 1097, Paris, 15 November 1985
               with 3 marble spheres  100x100 h40 cm                Stand of Mirodan  for Mirodan Creation,  With Dias 1984  Coffee table
               Dias 1984                                            Creation, Belgium  Belgium
               Table and chairs                                     With Dias 1984
               Table Plate glass top, solid wood base               Table and chairs
               in white lacquer with 3 colored spheres
               110x110 h72 cm
               Chair Wood frame in white lacquer
               with 2 colored spheres, upholstered leather seat
               43x56 h120 cm
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