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              STUDIO METAPLASI showroom   STUDIO METAPLASI showroom   Footloose 1984          Footloose 1984  Footloose 1990
              Maroussi Athens 1984       Maroussi Athens 1984      Table                      Chair       Bookcase
              Exterior view              Interior views            Plate glass top, baked enamel on steel frame,  Baked enamel   with cabinets, drawers
                                                                   MDF frame covered in plastic laminate   on steel frame,   MDF frame
                                                                   220x100 h75 cm  Limited edition  MDF frame  covered
                                                                   Footloose 1984             covered     in plastic laminate
                                                                   Desk with cabinets, drawers  in plastic laminate  240x40 h240 cm
                                                                   Plate glass top, baked enamel on steel frame,  50x53 h120 cm  Limited edition
                                                                   MDF frame covered in plastic laminate   Footloose 1984
                                                                   180x80 h75 cm  Limited edition  Table and chair
                                                                                              Limited edition
                                     205                        207                       209                        211
                                      512                                                                            512

              Tijuana 1984 Sideboard and Ziggurat 1984 Table  Elxis 1984  Table  Elxis 1985  Table  Dracos Art Center Athens 1985
              Collage forms on paper     Plate glass top, solid wood base veneered   Plate glass top, solid wood base in white lacquer,  Interior views
                                         in bubinga and black lacquer, black wood sphere   white wood sphere   Satelite 1985  Desk
              Tijuana 1984
              Sideboard with cabinets, drawers   140x140 h75 cm    200x200 h75 cm             MDF frame in white and grey lacquer,
              Plastic laminate top, MDF frame in white   Elxis 1984  Coffee table  Interior of Athenian art collector’s home  metal sections  144x72 h75 cm
              and red lacquer, solid wood legs in red lacquer  Plate glass top, solid wood base in black   Elxis 1985  Table
              203x62 h82 cm  Limited edition  and white lacquer, white wood sphere            200x200 h75 cm
              Ziggurat 1984              120x120 h40 cm                                       Cobra 1985  Modular display system
              Table                      Elxis 1984  Table                                    Pergamus 1985  Desk
              Plastic laminate in double glass top,   Plate glass top, solid wood base in black   Plate glass top, MDF frame in black and white
              solid beech structure in white and red lacquer   and white lacquer, white wood sphere   and aluminum lacquer  190x90 h75 cm
              118x118 h75 cm  Limited edition  200x200 h75 cm
                                     213                        215                       217                        219
                                           Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I
                                           ...The space between the action and the public is now clearly divided.   The mental transposition from the object to action turns into a ceaseless
                                           The action starts in a space where all participants have their own freely   rhythm of 'reading' their work on multiple levels of existence,
                                           chosen place. Two elastic surfaces, one horizontal, the other vertical,   life and memory and, consequently, a ceaseless rhythm of 'reading' art
                                           form a continuity and represent a course in time as well as two distinct  between life and death, when art is only covered with a tangible shell.
                                           states of existence, two possibilities of perceiving reality.  This view of the two artists' becomes manifest in the bold mating
                                           The first palpitations appear on the horizontal surface as signs of a still  of the plaster cast with its original, covered with their elastic medium.
                                           formless life. Gradually, a symbolic language emerges while man is created.  The double record of the same moment in two conditions is a necessary
                                           His action is directed to the environment, his audience is the universe,   appendage to their idea. With time the rubber cast will perish, as it happens
                                           the nature around him. He tries to collaborate with these elements until   with all tangible offerings when they are not accompanied by
                                           his idiom becomes a commonly understood code which invests the images  an intense psychological agitation and participation.
                                           with a recognisable form. The creation of man is clearly correlated   This latest phase in the work of Zouboulis-Grekou emphasises the need
                                           to the creation of art in its various different phases. It is a continuous   to focus on defining the aesthetic solutions they discover automatically
                                                        as part of their intense experience of art. Their works - which consist again
                                           struggle for domination between matter and man, an erotic struggle.
                                           It has no concrete form. Retreat, departure, return. Phases of rise and fall.  of slides from moments of their action on the same elastic material- present
                                           Phases of ecstasy and triumph as the human figure acquires a complete  irregular forms, metaphorical juxtapositions of an actual moment
                                           form and stands up to come face-to-face with - man. It is from that terrible  and the memory of it. The continuous to and fro between the real
                                           encounter, from the momentous moment of mutual recognition   and the imaginary world and the memories of specific images are presented
                                           that a dialogue starts to overthrow a great many notions. And the figure   in a malleable condition. The shadows created by these images speak
                                           is remoulded again. The process never ends.  of something that existed: the way it existed is, again, a matter of free quest.
                                           The whole series of images generated behind the remoulded material  Today, at a time when art is once more confronted with the serious dilemma
                                           through the artist's total participation are recorded 'snapshots'   of choosing between the acceptance or the rejection of reality, at a time
                                                        when it seems that a great many languages and ideologies have been
                                           from the evolution of human mind and human reason. They are 'snapshots'
                                           of compositions from the repertory of art history. If we wish to see them  exhaustively used, it has become more necessary than ever before to look
                                           today we can use our memory, not necessarily our minds, as the crystallised  at our heritage of experiences and think of it as representations of an entire
                                           findings of some distant research. And we tend to read the external   life. In pondering the problems they posed we are not obliged
                                           characteristics of compositions and their subjects, as examples of a special  by the evolutionary laws of nature to live through them again.
                                           approach to life through art in a specific era. Nevertheless, we know   We can compare them mentally, perhaps to whatever each of us had always
                                           that the evidence art has left us cannot be understood by reading just their  dreamed of, some starting point for doing or saying something.
                                           outline. To talk about the 'breath' which we cannot always see might seem  The way in which it will be told is not restricted by the chronological order
                                           as a tendency for romantic escape. And yet that 'breath' we can imagine   of memories.
                                                        If the problem of painting goes back onto the canvas and the image
                                           but not see is an indication that everything that has been done till now
                                           was not just an attempt to embellish or perfect the artistic or physical   is restored, if sculpture seeks again the plasticity of matter in order to
                                           environment; it was also an effort to record traces of life, evidence of pulse  express itself, the images they provide can no longer talk about forgotten
                                           at various rhythms of participation in the spirit of the times.  relations of space, colour and harmonious compositions. They are about
                                           The desire to present art today as a state of total participation with spirit   the personal experience of the artist, who has lived through the whole story
                                           and matter is thus imprinted on the inanimate casts from the actions   of iconoclasm to start re-drafting the evolution of a new hypothetical world.
                                           of Zouboulis-Grekou. One can touch the 'breath' as it is engraved in rough  In view of this problem, Zouboulis-Grekou bring the relationship of art with
                                           relief on the sculptural work that seeks to capture the pulse. This apparent  man to the spot where the initial point of contact can be discerned:
                                           detail of the imprinted 'breath' is crucial to the in-depth understanding   to the tangible reality which links them, and then to a hypothetical state
                                                        of communication which is at once depicted and projected to the future
                                           of their quest.
                                           The plaster casts of body movements - not of the body itself - constitute   and which, absurdly, may be visible today as well. In this way foresight
                                           the attempt of Zouboulis-Grekou to capture the metaphysical quality   and memory meet each other.
                                           of the process through which creativity is translated into an object.
                                           Through this product, the act of touching also becomes a purely   Efi Strousa
                                           metaphysical experience.
                                                        Athens, June 1980
              Thales 1989  Pergamus 1985  Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I  Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I  Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I
              Desk with drawers  Desk with drawers  Essay          Desmos Art Gallery, Athens 1980  Desmos Art Gallery, Athens 1980
              Plate glass top,  Plate glass top,   by Efi Strousa  Exhibition catalogue       Exhibition catalogue
              MDF frame    MDF frame     for solo exhibition, Desmos Art Gallery,
              in black and grey   in black and white  Athens, June 1980
              lacquer      and aluminum lacquer
              180x80 h75 cm  190x90 h75 cm
                                     221                        223                       225                        227
                                                                                                              Impressions and Views of Exhibitions 1979-1980
                                                                                                              ... The artworks and 'actions' of Zouboulis-Grekou at Desmos
                                                                                                              reflected an exemplary method of working and, more importantly,
                                                                                                              of artistic functioning; they also revealed their creators' ability
                                                                                                              in organising space in the general sense, as space is 'moulded'
                                                                                                              by the works and provides viewers with apposite stimuli
                                                                                                              and thoughts. Above all, the two artists, who are in tune
                                                                                                              with contemporary trends, manage to project their dynamic
                                                                                                              personality with a consistency and immediacy which is also evident
                                                                                                              in the book-construction with a selection of their activities...
                                                                                                              Dora Iliopoulou-Rogan
                                                                                                              Athens, 1 August 1980
              Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I   Action - Reminiscence - Transpositions I  Untitled 1980  Untitled 1980  Untitled 1980  Impressions
              Desmos Art Gallery, Athens 1980  Desmos Art Gallery, Athens 1980  Sculpture   Sculpture  Sculpture  and Views
              Views of Installation - Performance   Stills from Installation - Performance   Plaster,   Fiberglass,   Detail   of Exhibitions
              Wood structure, stretched white latex,   With Nikos Zouboulis  white lacquer  white lacquer  Plaster,   1970-1980
              fiberglass and plaster sculptures, white lacquer,    110x90 cm    110x90 cm     white lacquer  Review
              electric light                                                                  110x90 cm   by Dora
              Music Theodor Antoniou                                                                      Iliopoulou-Rogan
                                                                                                          ANTI magazine,
                                                                                                          no 157-158,
                                                                                                          1 August 1980
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