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              House in Ekali Athens 2002  House in Ekali Athens 2002  Office in Alimos Athens 2004  Office in Alimos Athens 2004
              Dining room                Untitled 2002  Sculpture-Door  Interior design and furniture  Entryway
              Audio-video unit with sliding door   Details         Conference area            Door in aluminum lacquer
              Untitled 2002                                        Pluto 2004  Table          Freeform screen with leather upholstery
              Sculpture-Door                                       Built-in closet with bar   and aluminum fittings
              Aluminum frame, wood surface, plaster,               Freeform bar with sliding door open  Built-in bookcase with sliding doors
              cardboard with colored drawings,                     MDF frame veneered in limba,   MDF frame veneered in limba,
              photograph transparency in double glass,             pale blue Plexiglas back panel with built-in lighting,   pale blue Plexiglas back panel with built-in lighting,
              blue neon, interior electric light installation      door and shelves in blue double glass  doors and shelves in blue double glass
              280x200 cm                                                                      Feng Shui 2004  Desk

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                                           “We were inspired by the cycle of light, the motion of the wind,  Ecological materials were, again, the basis for the design of furniture.
                                           the whooshing of the waves”  “A characteristic example is the wooden table in the sitting room, the
                                                        ORNOS model, the surface of which carries two marble ridges, or the beds
                                           A contemporary summer house was endowed with personality thanks to the  and the other pieces in the bedrooms which are also made of bleached
                                           original furniture and fittings designed by Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou,  wood.” The angled sofa in the sitting room is a true piece of sculpture whose
                                           who used natural materials and new techniques to sculpt forms and create  organic form hides a constructional innovation: “wishing to avoid the usual
                                                        type of built island sofa we created a piece of furniture, the NEW WAVE
                                           spaces of a minimalist aesthetic.
                                           The traditionally styled house was fitted exclusively with furniture and other  model, whose inner wooden skeleton affords modern comfort; at the same
                                           functional pieces designed and constructed by STUDIO METAPLASI to meet  time, it ties in with tradition since its exterior is covered with mortar in the
                                           the owner’s express needs. Forming part of a complex of four residences in  true spirit of Myconian aesthetic”.
                                           the same family, the house is built on an amphitheatrical plot near Ornos with  A sculptural dining table
                                           a sea view. The designers were given charge of the interior architecture and  The dining table is in the large sitting room, next to the French windows that
                                           decoration and the fixtures in the communal outdoor areas – tables settees,  lead to the garden: “The table, an ELXIS model, is made of solid tilia with
                                           the bar. In their imaginative work they allowed themselves to be inspired “by  a veneer of white ash and oak and a wax finish, and its special feature is that
                                           the cycles of Myconian light, the moving sunlight which creates three-dimen-  the curved sides are differently shaped. The marquetry on the top reproduces
                                                        the geometrical patterns of the base which were inspired by the School of
                                           sional volumes and linear shadows on walls and floors, by the motion of the
                                           wind and the sea”.  Bauhaus. The lighting fixture, a white opaline for reflection-free illumination,
                                           “We were called in at an early stage in the construction and we worked  comes from Iguzzini.
                                           closely with the owner, a lover of art who agreed with all our proposals.  Another focal point in the sitting room is the fireplace, of white marble and
                                           We were also given ample time to complete such a demanding project,  mortar and accompanied by a sculptural work which is characteristic of the
                                           so we were able to study the needs of each area separately and experiment  artistic work of Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou. “The sculpture was
                                           with new techniques. The first thing to do was to form certain structural  studied in relation to the light that comes through the windows, and the
                                           elements such as the fireplace. Then we designed all fixed and mobile  relief figure was made with plaster and white lacquer to imitate the local
                                           furniture and selected all the other fittings and fixtures required to equip  whitewashed walls.”
                                                        In the open-plan kitchen the bench/bar follows the motion of the sea and
                                           the house – chairs, lighting fixtures, door handles, fabrics, etc.”
                                           In the end the owner took delivery of a modern holiday home of a minimalist  the sun, while the colour of the sea can be found on the cupboard doors.
                                           aesthetic which seems to bow mentally to the austerity of Myconian tradition.  The sculptural approach is to be found in the bedrooms as well, where the
                                           An original designer project  beds and the other pieces carry a blend of civilisations (“memories from
                                           “As the owner and we spoke the same visual language, we did not end up  Cycladic art but also references to a tropical style, as in the headboard
                                           reproducing the stereotypical image of Aegean aesthetic. The house neither  of the bed – a CUBA model, with woven cane and Indonesian rattan”).
                                           copies tradition nor ‘weds’ the old with the new. It is in fact an original work,  Original creations
                                           a ‘designer home’ which combines contemporary architecture with cultural  The outdoor constructions such as the bar, the dining table (VIGLES)
                                           memories and is built in an eco-friendly way using natural materials.”  and the built settees (TENERIFE) incorporate plastic forms and carefully
                                                        studied techniques. As with the furniture, these pieces were first built as
                                           Everything inside the house was designed from scratch, turned into a life-size
                                           model and constructed by STUDIO METAPLASI or erected in situ – for  models, a process which helped finalise their sculptural form. Inspiration
                                           example, the fireplace, the fixed settees in the garden, the bar.  for the outdoor spaces came from the same sources: “the motion of the sea
                                           Translating nature into sculptural forms  is reflected in the WAVES bar stools as well as the wooden panel which holds
                                           “The house is on three levels. The high-ceilinged ground floor includes the  the lighting fixtures”. All these are painted white to blend in with the local style
                                           sitting-room, one bedroom with a bathroom, the dining room and the open-  while still reflecting their original modern design and meeting in an admirable
                                           plan kitchen. A lower level with its own direct access to the garden is the  way the needs of a holiday home which is ready to function at all times of the
                                           guestroom –a self-contained unit complete with kitchenette and bathroom–  year.
                                           and the first floor house the main bedroom and its en-suite bathroom”.  Tonia Makra
                                           The entire house is painted white, and the narrow windows and French
                                           windows have no curtains as the light enters in a pleasant, non-dazzling way.  Athens, May 2005
                                           All materials are natural, selected on the basis of functionality and ease of
                                           maintenance. Indoor floors, for instance, combine bleached timber and earth-
                                           coloured mortar as per the Myconian norm, and the ceilings are panelled with
                                           dark chestnut wood.”
              Waves 2000  Stool          “We were inspired by the cycle of light,   House in Mykonos 2000  House in Mykonos 2000
              In Mykonos Harbor          the motion of the wind,   Interior design and furniture  Bar and pool area
              Photograph by Nikos Zouboulis  the whooshing of the waves”  Patio and pool area   Freeform bar, concrete, white epoxy finish
                                         Article                                              Solid wood overhead structure in limba
                                         by Tonia Makra                                       with hanging lights in aluminum
                                         IDEES & lyseis gia to spiti Magazine,                Waves 2000  Stools
                                         No 241, Athens, May 2005                             Molded plywood frame with white epoxy finish
                                                                                              and white painted metal
                                                                                              Tenerife 2000  Freeform sofas and table
                                                                                              Concrete, white epoxy finish
                                                                                              Elxis 2000  Table
                                                                                              Concrete, white epoxy finish
                                                                                              Vigles 2000  Table
                                     469                       471                        473  Concrete, white epoxy finish  475
                                                                    House in Myconos, Greece 2000
              House in Mykonos 2000      House in Mykonos 2000     House in Mykonos 2000      House in Mykonos 2000
              Living room                Living room views         Dining area                Cuba 2000
              Built-in shelves, bench, fireplace with sculpture   Ornos 2000  Elxis 2000      Bed
              Solid wood in white paint, sailcloth cushion,   Coffee table  Table             Detail of headboard
              white marble               White Dionysos marble and solid poplar top,   MDF frame veneered in stained ash, oak   Cuba 2000
              Untitled 2000              white lacquered wood base   Oak veneer inlay on top echoes shape of base  Beds with night tables
              Sculpture                  New Wave 2000             Kitchen area               Solid white stained poplar frame with cane
              Plaster, white lacquer     Sofas                     Freeform kitchen counter and wall cabinets  Quintana 2000
              200x100 cm                 Wood structure covered in concrete   MDF frame veneered in blue stained ash  Built-in dressing table, chest of drawers on wheels,
                                         with white epoxy finish, sailcloth upholstery
                                                                                              Solid white stained poplar
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                                                                249                             Inhabiting Life
                                                                                                In the past, the HOME was seen as a family centre of patriarchal glory.
                                                                                                The evolutionary processes of capitalism and the values of contemporary life,  Their Home, Showroom, Factory and Office soon became the points of reference
                                                                                                             in their life and work. The most important international magazines on design
                                                                                                through social relations and the conditions which create an imaginary, ephemeral
                                                                                                "ego", have transformed the home into an inhabited theatrical stage where   and interior decoration heralded the creations of STUDIO METAPLASI as original
                                                                                                the actors are the inhabitants and the audience is the visitors.  and unique examples of design in Greece and abroad.
                                                                                                It is the latter who perceive every sign of liveliness or incongruity, of fertile   Yet more than designer, Nikos Zouboulis wants to be seen as an artist,
                                                                                                imagination or resignation. They notice all indications of financial status as well as  and remembers his early performances of the 1970s, when music and the body
                                                                                                the cultural quests of each inhabitant in the house.  assumed dynamic forms on Latex, a newly-invented fabric which became
                                                                                                The home may be considered as the inhabited core, an entity that reflects   his personal medium in art and the material of his paintings and sculptures.
                                                                                                the tortured pathology of human existence.  In our last meeting he spent some time talking to me about "Applause", the long
                                                                                                The STUDIO is the functional workshop that puts together the house. It is where  black sculpture of metal and wood with its many colours. He told me how
                                                                                                             in the performance "Myth and Reality" at the Expo Arte of 1978 in Bari, the main
                                                                                                spatial organisation, abstraction, strict precision, study, creativity and work
                                                                                                are the inseparable and extreme protagonists in an active thinking and a practical  'material' was the energy of the audience, while the sculpture moved its wooden
                                                                                                philosophy of life. The residents engage in a conceptually metaphysical   hands, through a mechanism operated  by himself, to applaud the involuntary
                                                                                                relationship with space, which leads to the emergence of a series   participation of the people who were stunned by this. It was an original
                                                                                                of 'internal' structures.  happening, much praised by Italian and foreign criticism.
                                                                                                The SHOWROOM is the realm of images, the reward of the gaze. It comprises   The installations-performances were followed by paintings-sculptures and then
                                                                                                a single space that specifies the choices and the preliminary design. It determines  by objects-furniture-sculptures. These unique art objects are now in museums
                                                                                                and judges the financial structure of creativity and its initial quests.  and major international collections.
                                                                                                The OFFICE is the base of technology. It is the marriage between man   Nikos Zouboulis wishes to stress his infinite gratitude to two great figures
                                                                                                and technology. It is where every sentiment is imprisoned; the place where   in Greece who, at a very early stage, supported and sensitively encouraged
                                                                                                technology becomes the greatest shackle of enslavement; its structure grows   his creative quests: Alexander Iolas, the gallerist who put him on an artistic
                                                                                                and a popular verdict is enforced. The office is the 'gatekeeper' of material wealth.  course; and Dakis Joannou, that major figure in international culture who was
                                                                                                The FACTORY is the place of production, where collective effort is combined.   the first to acquire his sculptures-objects for his important collection.
                                                                                                It hosts the forms of capitalist practice, promotes creative skills and extends   Between 1993 and 1997 Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou created a space
                                                                                                the characteristics of information. At the factory the idea is processed   which was rare in Europe and unprecedented in Greece; a space which brings
                                                                                                and implemented into a tangible form.  together in a creative whole the experiences from different times and places,
                                                                                                In these five spaces Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou inhabit life.  always lived first-hand: Home-Studio-Showroom-Office-Factory.
                                                                                                "THE ACTUAL HOUSING CRISIS IS NOT THE SCARCITY  It is a different way of perceiving life and creativity. Work and existence.
                                                                                                OF ACCOMMODATION... IT LIES IN THE FACT THAT MORTALS ALWAYS  Image and the Present Time.
                                                                                                SEEK THE ESSENCE OF HABITATION, AND THEY HAVE FIRST OF ALL  "MAKING ART AND YOUR LIFE ONE THING" (Josef Beuys)
                                                                                                TO LEARN HOW TO INHABIT" (Martin Heidegger)  In the beautiful countryside of Acharnae, on the outskirts of Athens, a sweet,
                                                                                                Nikos Zouboulis was born in Athens and comes from an artistic family: his father  simple white edifice stands proud and silent amidst an ancient olive grove.
                                                                                                and his grandfather before him were famous makers of houses and furniture,   The turquoise blue underlines the uniform architecture and describes the
                                                                                                at the small village of Argalasti in Mount Pelion and later in Athens.   approach to the entire habitable space inside.
                                                                                                Nikos studied interior decoration at the Doxiades School in Athens, with parallel  Nothing was left to chance.
                                                                                                studies in sculpture. From early on he specialised in interior design. He won   True to their beliefs, Nikos Zouboulis and Titsa Grekou have set up the "Intelligent
                                                                                                his first award in sculpture at the age of 18, with a latex-made portrait   Edifice" of their personal creative life. They design and implement
                                                                                                at the Gallery of the Athens Hilton, and around the same time he produced   the architectural structure in their own personal way in which human philosophy
                                                                                                his first sculpture-object, a strange table made of different plastics.   is closely linked to the needs of a consummated  existence.
                                                                                                At the Doxiades School he met Titsa Grekou, a worthy artist who later, in 1975,  The layout of the interior follows the pattern of their life, while their relationship
                                                                                                became his tireless wife and fellow-traveller in their creative journey in art.  with the furniture, the objects, the sculptures and technology and their everyday
                                                                                                In 1983 they co-founded STUDIO METAPLASI, a brand of original designs,   needs acquires a phenomenologically special importance and invests the whole
                                                                                                furniture and sculptured objects reflecting a refined approach to decoration.  setting with a harmonious sense of life.
                                                                                                Inspired creations made of plastic materials, with their phantasmagoric forms   To Nikos every element, space or object is a symbol of active design,
                                                                                                and colours emphasising the first and only example in Greece of a personal   just as his private life is beside Titsa. The human factor provides the identity,
                                                                                                post-modern style. Their showroom at Kolonaki, in downtown Athens,   specifies the philosophy and, combined with personal creative history, proclaims
                                                                                                became the showcase of avant-garde design in Greece.  the need for a new reality to meet the requirements of the Present Time.
                                                                                                That was the beginning of a course to success, which had Niko Zouboulis
                                                                                                and Titsa Grekou travelling in many countries around the world. Boston and  Lucrezia De Domizio Durini
                                                                                                Chicago were among the places where they made their artistic presence felt.
                                                                                                             Milan 1999
              House in Mykonos 2000      House in Karia Greece 2002  House in Karia Greece 2002  Inhabiting Life
              Bedroom suite views        Zouboulis - Grekou family house on mountain  Interior views  Essay
              Elxis 2000                 Built 1976 by Dimitris Zouboulis,   Ziria 2002  Corner sofa   by Lucrezia de Domizio Durini
              Table                      renovated 2002 by Nikos Zouboulis, Titsa Grekou   Solid pine structure, fabric upholstery  Milan 1999
              Solid white stained poplar frame, concrete base  and Sophia Zoubouli   278x200 h85 cm
              Corner sofa with built-in base, sailcloth cushions   Design Sophia Zoubouli
              Dakar 2000                                           Kitchen cabinets in solid beech with wire mesh
              Bed with night tables                                in double glass
              Built-in base, solid white stained poplar frame,
              headboard in cane
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