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                1986 THE PHYSIOGNOMY OF POSTWAR ART                 2001 MYTHOLOGIES OF THE BOOK / Contemporary
                IN GREECE, Municipal Gallery, Athens                Greek Artists, Book Fair, Forum, Frankfurt

                Collaboration with MIRODAN CREATION, Belgium        2003 322 + 1 ARTISTS / DONATORS,
                                                                    Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
                AT HOME WITH THE WORLD,
                The Merchandise Mart / Expocenter, Chicago          I. ME MYSELF, Rethymnon Centre for Contemporary Art,
                                                                    Rethymnon Greece
                INTERIEUR '86 / 10th International Biennial
                of Interior Design Creativity, Kortrijk Belgium     2005 23rd INTERNATIONAL cDIM DESIGN AWARDS -
                                                                    International Furniture Fair, Valencia Spain
                Apopsi Art Gallery, Athens                          THE YEARS OF DEFIANCE / The Art of ’70 in Greece,
                                                                    National Museum of Contemporary Art  / Exhibition Hall:
                TOPEKA - KANSAS 1987 / Preview showing of New Works  Megaron - The Athens Concert Hall, Athens
                in preparation for the International New Art Forms Exposition,
                showroom / gallery, Chicago
                1988 INTERIEUR '88 / 11th International Biennial
                of Interior Design Creativity, Kortrijk Belgium     1985 3rd prize at SAD '85 / 650 Createurs
                                                                    Europeens, Paris
                STUDIES, Center for the Acropolis Studies, Athens   1988 Certificate of Excellence for outstanding
                                                                    achievement in furniture at INTERNATIONAL
                1991 ART IN THE SHOP WINDOWS - Organized by Spiti   ART COMPETITION, New York
                & piotita zois magazine, Studio Metaplasi showroom,
                Kolonaki Athens
                                                                    PUBLIC & PRIVATE COLLECTIONS
                1993  PHOTOGRAPHY IN FINE ARTS / ART ATHINA 1 ’93,
                Athens' Expo Center, Athens                         Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
                1994 ART & TABAC design, Galleria EOS, Milan        Pinacotheque D. Pierides, Athens - Alexander Iolas, Athens -
                                                                    Manos Pavlides, Athens - Alexandros  Xydis, Athens -
                1998 TABLES / Greek Interior Design & Decoration    Dakis Ioannou, Athens - Nikos Gerarhakis, Athens -
                Exhibition, Kifissia Athens                         Dionysis Logothetis, Athens - Pavlos Giannas, Athens,
                                                                    Myconos - Topeka Kansas gallery, Chicago -
                1999 THE PERMANENT COLLECTION -                     Mirodan Creation, Belgium - Umberto Mariani, Milan -
                Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki  Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, Milan
                P + P = D / New Art from the 70's and 80's -
                Selections from "Desmos", DESTE Foundation's Centre   SOPHIA ZOUBOULI
                for Contemporary Art, Athens
                                                                    1980  Born in Athens
                2000 DESIGN & PRODUCTION / 55 chairs designed
                by Greek Designers, Helexpo, Thessaloniki           STUDIES

                P + P = D / "Desmos Archive", Rethymnon Centre      1998-2002 Interior Design at AKTO, Athens
                for Contemporary Art - Municipal Gallery "L. Kanakakis",
                Rethymnon Greece                                    2000 Begins collaboration with STUDIO METAPLASI
                                                                    where she works as an interior designer
                P + P = D / Contemporary Greek Art "Desmos Archive",  and furniture designer
                Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki
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