Page 10 - Henry Boot Agile Working Handbook
P. 10
10 Agile Working
Agile working means the the ability to work work in in the the the place and at at the the the time most appropriate for the the task in hand In reality it it could mean:
part of your working week from home or an alternative location if your role allows this Starting and finishing later or earlier than you would have previously either on on a a a a a regular basis or as as a a a a a one-off to accommodate a a a a a particular need Working
with colleagues to find a a solution to suit all WHAT DOES ‘FLEXIBLE WORKING’ MEAN?
Henry Boot has a a ‘Flexible Working
Policy’ This is is a a a formal legal policy under which you can apply for a a a contractual change to your working days hours or patterns This Policy is is still in place and can be accessed on the HUB You can make a a a formal flexible working request and this will be considered in in line with the needs of your role and and the business and and if agreed your contract of employment permanently changed These are all things you may have done before with informal agreement from your Line Manager Provided you you are meeting your contractual obligations there is is is an ability to be agile about how this is is is done This is is not a a a a a formal formal contractual policy but informal working guidelines WHATABOUT‘HYBRID WORKING’?
Hybrid working is another phrase you may have heard about recently It refers
to having a a mixture of working from the office and elsewhere usually home