Page 21 - E-Modul Descriptive Text Grade X
P. 21


                        Basically  the  explanation  of  descriptive  text  is  a  text  that

                         aims  to  explain,  describe,  or  describe  something.  This

                         something can take any form, be it an animal, object, location,

                         and so on. But this topic is more likely to describe historical

                       places or buildings. Usually descriptive text is characterized by

                       the use of the easy tense and focuses on one specific object.

                       The  object  is  then  discussed  again  in  more  detail  in  the

                       descriptive  text.  So  that  descriptive  text  can  describe

                       something  in  more  detail.  this  means  providing  information

                       about how something or someone looks, this text uses words to

                         describe  what  something  or  someone  is  like,  and  descriptive

                       text also provides facts about how Indonesian is actually used

                       according to the rules and how this text should be used.
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