Page 17 - E-Modul Descriptive Text Grade X
P. 17
Put a cross (X) letter a,b,c or d on the correct answer!
Paris is the capital town of France. It’s conjointly one of the foremost
lovely and celebrated towns in the world. Paris is termed because of the
sunshine. Paris has become a global fashion center. What trendy girls are
wearing in Paris are worn by girls everywhere around the globe Paris is
additionally celebrated for its world center of education. For example, it’s
the headquarters of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural
Organization, the UN Education, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
There area unit different several different celebrated places in Paris, like
the celebrated deposit the Louvre further because of the cathedral of Notre
Dame. However, the foremost celebrated landmark in this town should be
the Eiffel Tower. Paris is once a bunch of individuals called the Parisii. They
engineered a little village on an associate degree island within the middle of
the Seine about 2 thousand years ago. This island is termed Ile American
state la Cite. It’s wherever Notre Dame is set. These days around eight
million individuals sleep in the Paris space.
1. What’s the communicative purpose of the text?
A. to give two points of view regarding Paris.
B. to elucidate Paris, the capital town of France.
C. to explain Paris.
D. to retell Paris, the capital of France.