Page 12 - E-Modul Descriptive Text Grade X
P. 12
A. Purpose of Learning Activities
After studying this module, you will gain knowledge about the meaning of descriptive text,
social function, linguistic elements, vocabulary and grammar used especially in descriptive text
on tourist attractions or historical buildings.
B. Material Description
Descriptive text or descriptive text is a type of English text that needs to be learned. The use of
descriptive text itself can be used for various purposes, for example to describe places, people,
goods or objects and other subjects. Basically, the explanation of descriptive text is the same as
the meaning of the word descriptive itself, which is describing something. Descriptive text is text
that aims to explain, describe, or describe something. Something here can take any form, be it a
person, animal, object, location, and so on.
Descriptive Text function
From the understanding above, it can be seen that descriptive text has two functions, namely:
Describe or depict about something.
Give an explanation of something in detail.
The structure of descriptive text is divided into 2 parts, namely identification and description.
Identification is an introduction or general description of the object or topic to be discussed.
Description is a section that explains in detail about the object that has been introduced in the
identification section. This description can be in the form of characteristics, appearance, amount,
nature, and so on.