Page 6 - USciences Academic Guide
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The biological sciences encompass the study of all living things, starting at the
molecular level. Focus areas include the study of humans, animals, and plants.
Through our SEA-PHAGES course, first year students have the opportunity to
find and characterize their very own, genetically novel bacterial virus.
BIOLOGY (BS, Minor)*: Discover the Career Opportunities: Become a sci-
science of life as you gain the foundation ence and health writer, creating industry
to pursue professional studies in materials or informing the public. Gain
medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, and admission to medical, veterinary, dental
more. Specializations: animal, cellular/ or other professional schools. Pursue a
subcellular, clinical, interdisciplinary, law degree with a scientific foundation to
plant, and population biology. handle biological/medical patent laws, eth-
ically sensitive, complex cases or advise
Career Opportunities: Gain admission lawmakers at all levels of government.
to medical, veterinary, dental or other
professional schools. Perform research
and aid discovery in medicine and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (BS, Minor):
pharmaceuticals, microbiology, and Take on all aspects of the complex
biotechnology. Teach science in public environmental issues facing society as you
or private schools, or with further pursue research, community awareness,
education, at universities and colleges, education about health issues, and
or in public venues like zoos, museums, administration and enforcement of laws.
and nature centers. And, much more.
Career Opportunities: A degree in
environmental science will prepare
BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES (BS)*: Put your you for entry-level positions in private
foundational scientific knowledge into industry, the nonprofit sector and
practice as you learn to spur innovation governmental agencies. Graduates
in interventions, technology, and care. of the program will also be well
Specializations: neuroscience, clinical prepared to pursue further academic
science, biotechnology, and physician training in environmental planning, law,
assistant. management, and sciences.