Page 7 - USciences Academic Guide
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      your studies in the natural sciences while
      you explore the humanities including
      history, philosophy, literature, and ethics.

      Career Opportunities: This major offers
      excellent preparation for advanced study,
      research, and professional growth. Grad-
      uates of this curriculum are prepared for
      employment and success in many fields
      including, environmental law and policy,
      public health service, public administra-
      tion, clinical research, and more.

      (BS with certification; three years of   Career Opportunities: You will have many
      academic study and one year of clinical   career opportunities available to you
      rotations in a hospital setting): Become   upon graduation. These include positions
      a healthcare detective as you analyze   in clinical, government, academic,
      blood, urine, tissue, or other body   and industrial settings. Additionally, a
      specimens, and use these test results to   bachelor’s degree in microbiology is
      play an important role in the detection,   an excellent background for continuing
      diagnosis, and treatment of disease.  studies leading to degrees in medicine,
                                          dentistry or veterinary science or other
      Career Opportunities: Medical laboratory   advanced academic degrees based in
      scientists are in high demand, and   research or public health.
      government economists expect job growth
      for medical scientists, to be much faster   NEUROSCIENCE (BS, Minor)*: Unlock the
      than the average for all careers through   secrets behind what we do, how we think,
      2020. Upon completion of the program,   and what affects us as you examine
      you have a wealth of career options.   the nervous system across theoretical
      Potential worksites include forensic   and clinical contexts. Specializations:
      laboratories, hospitals, research clinics,   molecular and medicinal, clinical, and
      and pharmaceutical companies        theoretical neuroscience.
                                          Career Opportunities: A Neuroscience
      MICROBIOLOGY (BS, Minor)*: Study life   degree will position you to thrive in
      that cannot be seen with the naked eye as   graduate, medical, or health professional
      you examine how these microorganisms   school. Conduct research in areas
      live, affect us, and affect the environment.   such as theoretical modeling of the
      Search for answers to practical problems   nervous system, neurobiology, or
      in health and medicine, food production   neuropsychology. Or Serve the public as
      and preservation, alternative energy, and   a healthcare provider.
      infectious disease control. Specializations:
      applied microbiology and biotechnology &
      medical microbiology and immunology.

      *Pre-Health Professions Option: The pre-health professions curriculum is built into these programs,
      allowing students to prepare for medical, dental, optometry, or veterinary school while completing their
      bachelor’s degree program.
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