Page 30 - Journey of Grace - Spring-Summer 2021 Curriculum
P. 30


                                               Workshop One~Curriculum
                                             Saturday, May 8, 2021 11:00am-1:00pm
                                        LESSON:  Regeneration, Conversion & Justification
                                        Biblical Text:  Titus 3:5, Acts 9:1-19 & Romans 5:18
               Instructor:  Elder M. Clemens
               Facility:  Great Harvest Deliverance Church Multi-Purpose Area
               Teaching Tools
               Regeneration: Wednesday with Wesley on Regeneration
               Conversion:  Part 5-Soteriology section 3 Conversion and freedom from guilt
               Justification: Soteriology Series:  Justification

                 KNOWLEDGE        UNDERSTAND       APPLY       ANALYZE        SYNTHESIZE      JUDGEMENT
                Regeneration:     Identifying     Illustrate   Everyone will   Participants will   write note
                Born Again        Regeneration    with the   appraise their   create ways to   private note to
                (See Teaching tools-              making of   view of being   explain born   themselves to
                                                  face mask   born again    again            measure their
                                                  words                                      value of being
                                                  regarding                                  born again at the
                                                  renewal                                    present date to
                                                  and revival                                their conversion
                Activity: Blank white masquerade mask
                Write words on the inside of the mask that describe their renewal and revival in Christ
                The facilitator will ensure that everyone has a mask and several different color marks.
                White masquerade masks & different color makers
                Outcome:          They will be able  Able to   Be able to   Each individual   The individuals
                                  to explain the   operate in   examine their   will be able to   will be able to
                                  concept of      humility   lives to ensure  summarize why   discuss their
                                  regeneration    instead of   they are     we must be born   views and
                                                  pride      modeling       again, how must   values.
                                                             meekness       we be born again,

                KNOWLEDGE         UNDERSTAND  APPLY           ANALYZE       SYNTHESIZE       JUDGEMENT
                Conversion:       Understanding   Apply their  Examine their   Compose a     Critique their
                Repentance &      our past life of   will to turn  life to break   journey in their   values to match
                faith             sin.            from sin    down areas of   time to report   those of God
                (See teaching                     purposely   doubt and sin   their progress
                tools above)

               1  B, Mike. 2013. "Wednesday with Wesley: On Regeneration." Dead Heroes Don't Save. October 16. Accessed May 5, 2021.
               2  n.d. ST pt5 3 Conversion (Faith and Repentance) pdf. Accessed May 4, 2021.
               3  Brown, Gregory. n.d. "Soteriology Series: Justification." Pastor, Teacher, & Author-Gregory Brown. Accessed May 5, 2021.

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