Page 25 - Journey of Grace - Spring-Summer 2021 Curriculum
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These three workshops are scheduled to educate adult learners to increase their knowledge of
soteriology. The subject areas include regeneration, conversion, justification, adoption, sanctification,
perseverance, death, glorification, and other content areas appropriate to the ministry's beliefs as
integrated or separate subjects, such as corporate spiritual formation and spiritual disciplines. The unit
reflects how Christian education is taught while considering how people appropriate, comprehend and
retain new information. Within the unit, Bloom's Taxonomy framework and the collaborators consist of
six categories created in the revised taxonomy dynamism by utilizing verbs and gerunds. The cognitive
processes are described with action words in which thinkers encounter and work with knowledge:
Remember (Recognizing, Recalling), Understand (Interpreting, Exemplifying, Classifying, Summarizing,
Inferring, Comparing, Explaining), Apply (Executing, Implementing), Analyze (Differentiating, Organizing,
Attributing), Evaluate (Checking, Critiquing), Create (Generating, Planning, Producing) and several types
of knowledge used in cognition.
The unit design is supported by the "applied curriculum theory, which argues that attention must be
given to the connection between teaching goals and activities, as well as the learning outcomes that
emerge from students as they engage in learning strategies.