Page 20 - Journey of Grace - Spring-Summer 2021 Curriculum
P. 20

3.  Point out the ways that the church life in Acts (and in the article) was a community life,

                       not an individual life. (10 minutes)

                          a.  They prayed, fellowshipped, and ate together.

                          b.  They cared for the needy.

                          c.  Most importantly, they were united in praising God.

               Exploring (10 minutes):

                   1.  “Describe the relationship between worship of God and fellowship with other believers.”

                          a.  Proper worship of God allows us to grow closer to those who also worship Him.

                          b.  Proper relationship with others encourages our worship of God.

                   2.  “Explain the generosity of the church in Acts.”

                          a.  Divinely inspired.

                          b.  Part of grateful worship.

                   3.  “How would you respond to those who might say, ‘This looks like communism.’?”

                          a.  The members of the church were willingly sharing what God had provided to


                          b.  The love of God inspired them to love each other.

               Responding (5 minutes):

                   1.  Extend the invitation to become a Christian.

                   2.  Offer a chance for brief testimony.

               Concluding (3-5 minutes):

                   1.  Mention the topic of next week’s study.

                   2.  Briefly accept prayer requests, if applicable.

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