Page 72 - Multicloud Workshop - Prework
P. 72
Structured vs Unstructured
Data is everywhere. But the reality is that data in any IT system is
simply a sea of Ones and Zeros. The important thing is the
information we can gather from the data. We realise the
information by reading the Data. Traditionally, the information we
can recover is function of how we stored the data. We describe
data storage in two ways, structured and unstructured. Structured
data is stored in a format that we can retrieve exact data items in a
simple and concise manner. Structured data is typically founding
Database systems. Unstructured data requires that we read a large
amount of data to find the information we are looking for.
Unstructured data is usually stored in flat file systems and we
seldom know exactly which file or where in a file the exact answer
to a query lies.
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