Page 26 - DNA-SPA - DNA Spaces
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Indoor IoT Services
The offering is built on four pillars
Dynamic gateways that are flexible that simplifies activation,
An open IoT Device Marketplace that An App center with industry specific apps
and future proofed with the ability to configuration, and management of
provides customers a wide choice of using the Firehose API (which
add new device vendors. IoT devices from different vendors.
specialized, ready to deploy beacons, includes BLE, Wi-Fi & other sensor data).
tags, wrist bands, badges Enables use cases like asset tracking,
environmental sensors, etc. environmental monitoring, analytics,
employee safety, space utilization, room
finding, etc. across industries.
from ordering IoT devices, to onboarding and configuring devices, connecting to
industry-specific applications to enable outcomes and end-to-end monitoring and support.
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