Page 45 - Mobile Workspace Solutions Sales Workshop
P. 45

Desktop Virtualisation Value Proposition –

Reference Only

Cisco Desktop Virtualization Solutions with Citrix XenDesktop provide a set of proven, flexible architectures for transforming desktops
into centrally hosted user workspaces that are cost-effective and easier to manage and secure. The solution delivers a high-definition user
experience for individual Windows, web, and SaaS applications, or full virtual desktops, to any user, anywhere, on any device.

 Better for people: high-quality user                    Better for IT: scalable and secure                         Better for business: agility and
 experience on any device, anywhere                      infrastructure to deliver IT-as-a-Service                  productivity with lower operating costs

• Work and collaborate from                            • Validated, tested solution. Speed deployment                 • Greater agility and productivity.
 anywhere. Citrix and Cisco solutions allow
                                                        and integration with a fully validated, tested, and             Empowering users to become more productive
 users to access their desktops, applications, and      integrated desktop virtualization solution from Citrix and      and IT to become more responsive to changing
 data from any device and collaborate with              Cisco that includes compute, storage, and I/O for               demands gives the business great ability to adapt
 colleagues. This flexibility increases productivity,   optimized desktop hosting to reduce your IT burden.             to fluctuating business requirements and
 delivers virtual work styles, and provides                                                                             increased competition.
 unprecedented user mobility.                          • Scalable infrastructure. An open, modular
                                                                                                                      • Lower operating costs. Cisco and Citrix
• Connect to virtual desktop services.                  approach supports all user profiles and scales,
                                                        balances, and optimizes compute resources so you                deliver a radically simplified architecture, which
 The Citrix StoreFront delivers fast and intuitive      can deploy more desktops per server.                            reduces physical system requirements and
 self-service access to desktop, applications, and                                                                      streamlines desktop management for better
 collaborative tools, providing a seamless user        • Simplified management. Cisco and Citrix                        resource utilization and reduced desktop and
 experience.                                                                                                            storage costs.
                                                        technology provides unified and centralized
• High-definition user experience.                      management control to respond quickly to increases in         • Protect intellectual property and
                                                        demand, provide faster provisioning, create a better           minimize risk. Because all desktops are
 Cisco and Citrix solutions provide consistent          user experience, improve business flexibility, and
 access to desktop services and data, along with        reliably deploy server and desktop resources.                   centrally managed, it is easier to ensure
 the ability to use local plug-n-play peripherals                                                                       compliance with corporate, industry, and
 (like USB devices, webcams, and printers) to          • Secure by design. All data is centralized so it                governmental regulations and policies. Monitor,
 deliver a corporate desktop-like performance                                                                           log, and report on user activity to ensure
 experience to users on any device, anywhere, at        can be more easily protected and backed up.                     corporate and regulatory compliance
 any time.                                              Intellectual property is protected with granular access         requirements are met.
                                                        policies. Workgroups can be isolated to protect
                                                        enterprise application environments.
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