Page 46 - Mobile Workspace Solutions Sales Workshop
P. 46

Mobility Value Proposition – Reference Only

The Cisco and Citrix Enterprise Mobility Solution enables businesses and IT to embrace transitions in end-user computing by
delivering complete mobile workspace environments that are productive, flexible, collaborative, and secure. The solution delivers
increased business efficiency and agility by providing users with consistent, seamless, and secure access to any combination of
applications, content and communication on any mobile or fixed device in any location across any wired or wireless network.

  Better for people: simplified delivery                     Better for IT: faster, simpler, secure                          Better for business: be productive on
  of applications, data, and services on                     deployment of workspace services to any                         any device, anywhere, all the time
  any device                                                 device
                                                                                                                             • Built for business agility. Delivers the
• Complete mobile user experience.                           • Built for simplified control. Secure, flexible, and
                                                                                                                              business mobility required to meet different use
 Simplified delivery of all applications, data, and           simplified workspace mobility solution for hosting,             case, work-style productivity, business process,
 collaboration services across any network on any             managing, and delivering applications, communications,          and regulatory requirements.
 device. The result is a high-quality user experience         and data to any device with the control and cost efficiency
 on any device, from any location, at any time.               demanded by the business.                                      • Reduce complexity and costs. BYOD

• Simple and easy to use. The user can take                  • Single, integrated, tested solution. With the                  can save money. All management, data, and
                                                                                                                              apps are centralized, reducing complexity. Fewer
 the previously deskbound workspace experience with           joint solution, IT gets the power, capability, and support of   infrastructure and equipment requirements, rapid
 them, wherever they are and on whatever device they          two industry leaders. The solution is fully validated and       provisioning, and better performance and
 choose. The user experience is simplified through a          tested by both companies, reducing the integration burden       reliability all reduce costs and maximize ROI.
 variety of self-service features and task automation         and speeding deployments.
 functions.                                                                                                                  • Secure. Incorporate corporate and BYOD
                                                             • Built-in security. Threat protection is built into the
• Productive and secure. Users operate their                                                                                  governance policies while allowing your
                                                              solution to protect devices. Containerization prevents          employees the freedom to work anywhere on any
 devices in a secure, private environment that protects       mobile data leakage and helps comply with regulations by        device.
 personal and corporate data integrity in compliance          keeping sensitive data off of mobile devices. Corporate
 with corporate policy, yet overcomes intrusive security      governance policies can be integrated into the solution.       • Flexible. Support for a wide range of devices
 measures that could render users unproductive.
                                                             • Modular, scalable, and flexible. Deploy on-                    increases user productivity and satisfaction,
• Transparent user experience. Role-based                                                                                     helps attract and retain employees, reduces
                                                              premise, as a cloud-based solution, or as a hybrid solution     energy costs associated with and office
 management, security, and configuration provides the         based on your business needs. Adopt the components              environment and desktops, and helps simplify
 flexibility to support all types of users, workstyles, and   that suit your use cases and expand as organizational           mergers and acquisitions.
 a wide variety of smartphones, tablets, and laptops.         needs change.
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