Page 89 - MCSW - Multicloud Sales Workshop
P. 89
How do you measure progress towards your business
▶ Innovation to produce new enterprise products and services typically requires modern
platforms and software.
▶ It can be prohibitively expensive to acquire these up front, especially when there is a
relatively high level of risk attached to successful business outcome.
▶ For that reason many line of business owners turn to public cloud SaaS platforms to
trial new concepts and ideas.
▶ However, those same business owners recognise the prohibitive cost of public cloud,
at scale, and increasingly look to bring those newly developed services in-house, for
general customer availability, once success is assured.
▶ That in turn requires platform investment.
▶ Multicloud Stack of enables enterprises to minimise up-front exposure to cost, and
enable service revenues to fund platform expansion, on demand.
▶ Time-to-value is vastly improved for the enterprise and for the end customer.