Page 253 - MCPW - Multicloud Presales Workshop
P. 253
When the Cloud rains, it pours
AWS EBS Volume Data Loss - US-GovCloud-WEST-1A – 31-Dec-2015
Amazon Web Services has opened case #### on your behalf.
The details of the case are as follows:
Case ID: ###### Subject: Your EBS volumes in us-gov-west-1
Severity: High Correspondence: Dear Amazon Web Services Customer,
Your volume experienced a failure due to multiple component failures and
we were unable to recover it. Consequently, we have changed the state of
this volume to “error” and we are no longer charging you for it.
We recommend that you replace the failed volume with a new volume
created from a backup. We have not detected an Amazon EBS snapshot
of this volume, but understand that you may have created other backups.
Amazon EBS Snapshots are a good way to take point-in-time backups of
your data, and a good way to increase the durability of your data. For
more information, see Creating an Amazon EBS Snapshot Account
Number: ######