P. 19

4-         How to deal with fake websites

              Scam websites:
                 -  They are fake websites try to steal your personal or financial data and try
                     to hacking into your device
                 -  can  be  phishing  websites  that  present  fake  situations  trying  to  get  your
                 -  Such as username - password - bank account details - credit card details

              Types of Scam websites:
                 1-  Online shopping sites that never send you the correct items you bought.
                                                                ر               ر
                 2-  Scareware  websites     فتووختلا بوويهتل   لوو   ئوور  توولا اووقادتلا(  that  say  your
                     computer has a problem and you need to download something.
                 3-  "sweepstakes" scam  وأ بيصنايلا(
                      ةةةنهارملا that offers you a prize
                     that never comes.
              How scam websites operate:

                 1- They  try  to  bait  you  and  draw
                     your  attention.  وا      اابتنلاا   بوجي(
                       اةلفنو  بابج   ل   قيرط
                 2- They try to compromise your privacy (رةة  مل خةةتامومعم مرةةعت) by getting your
                     personal information by getting access to your device.
                 3- They exploit  للاغتسا)  your information in a bad way.

              To avoid / know a fake website:
                 1-  Check the website address (URL = Uniform Resource Locator)  ةة وملا اةةسا is
                     credible  ادثدن   .
                 2-  Check  for  misspelling  or  bad
                 3-  Do a search online to check if it a scam website.
              If you are a victim of a scam website:
                 1- Report it to the online store and the service provider you deal with.
                 2- Tell a trusted adult like your teacher or family member.

                 3- Contact  the  child  helpline  or  The  General  Department  for  Combating
                     Internet Crimes.

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