Page 10 - Retro Nova
P. 10

The fashion industry is changing constantly.  The idea for female models has changed  What is old school fashion? Its ingredients
     New Styles are being incorporated into old  too. There is more diversity physically,  are that of fashions from the 1970s
     Styles. Many ideas are passed down as   racially and in many other ways. Different  through 1980s. Our fashion conscious
     others are removed or altered. Others are  Styles are more accepted such as pin-up  young adults and teens are the source for
     tested. The latest idea that is being tested are  models. Women having  tattoos has  bringing back Old School Fashion. We all
     the expectations for genders, particularly in  become  more  acceptable  and  has  can remember the top hats and numerous
     models. Over the years more and more    become its own genre in the modeling    petticoats era of our paSt and you can be
     models have expressed their own personal  industry. There has also been an increase  assured that FashionTrends have definite-
     Stylesand beliefs. Photographersand design-  in plus-size models. Though it is Still  ly come  long way. Some you might say
     ers have also begun to work with this and  encouraged,  women  are  no  longer  thank goodness for that and yet others
     amplify it. But what s changed?         pressured to have the perfect hourglass  would say bring our history of fashions
                                             figure. Now in days it is more common to  back for another run.
     We all have a general idea of what is   encourage women to love their figures
     masculine and what is feminine in  more  unique as they are.                    While fashions of today are definitely
     commonly known sense. For  woman its                                            more of a combination of function while
     slender and thin. Long legs and an elegant  One major change that has been repeated  pleasing  the eye, some would think it’s
     posture; curves and smooth, clear skin.  is women taking on the role of men. In  due   progress made in the area of
     For a male it’s tall built and active. Reason  fashion short hair has become  trend.  fashion, and would not dare look back to
     for these specific ideas of each gender can  Along with other modifications female  our paSt. Reality has  way of denying
     be traced back in history . Men have usually  models have acted out the idea that  what we all think. But whether you are
     been seen as the more physically active  women can be juSt as successful strong  pleased to see it happen or otherwise we
     gender while women have been seen as    and independent as men. This is quite an  will be and are experiencing  revival of
     more elegant and nurturing.             admirable message in my opinion.        the popular fashion styles from our paSt.
                                             Going back to the idea of unique        And so you see Old School Fashion has
     In today’s fashion industry these ideas are  modeling has become more diverse    way of coming back.
     becoming known as the old way           racially. In the paSt models were known to
     thinking. We have begun to see successful  be predominately Caucasian, and now
     men who aren’t as muscular and men who      about anyone can be     model.
     cross-dress. Cross-dressing has become  Comparing the early 1900s to this decade
     very popular in the laSt few years. Directors  is quite amazing when you see how far
     have begun to give male models the same  we’ve come as far as acceptance.
     treatment as female models. One prime
     example is in cycle 20 of America’s Next  Going more in depth with the changes in
     Top Model. JuSt like the ladies the guys  fashion photography As there have been
     have to wear colorful  heavy handed    changes, things have also Stayed the same.
     makeup. They even wore acrylic press-on  Many things have even repeated. Fashion
     nails in one shoot. All of these things  always repeats its self, and at the moment
     have also tied into for acceptance toward  the fashion industry has traveled back to
     sexuality. More and more male models are  years 1950-1980. For some reason this
     coming out and expressing their pride.  generation of designers couldn’ reference
     This without a doubt has taken fashion to  one decade. At the very leaSt new Styles
      Wronger and more interesting level. This  have been incorporated into the classics.
     new boldness has tested social norms and  Today you can get clothes inspired by
     has made  Strong Statement. It is becom-  something already made in the laSt 70 years.
     ing less unusual to see men wearing    This has made for some very interesting
     makeup or more feminine clothing.      shoots. Moshino’s Spring 2013 fashion week
                                            in Milan is a good example of this. The
                                            clothes bring back the retro edge of the 60s.
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