Page 11 - Retro Nova
P. 11
Focusing more on another view of changes The mo influential change in fashion One application called Flixel allows you to
in fashion photography, modesty has photography has been the technological take photo or video combination. The
greatly decreased. In the pa , men and improvement. The obvious changes have over all images is photograph while one
women were more private. A woman could been the quality of the cameras and lighting. selected area is video. For example
be beautiful with turtleneck on. A woman Looking further into it the editing software model could be sitting with her hair
could do that now but generally speaking has improved. This has been positive and blowing in the wind. When the app is used
we show more skin now than what was negative. It has taken fashion photography to capture the image, the end result can
acceptable in the pa . One s birthday up few levels but it’s also been tied to be photo of a woman with her hair,
suit was only seen in the pa in artwork another issue. Editing software has been alone, in motion. This app was used in
like paintings and sculptures. Now it can overdone and used to alter the physical America’s Next Top Model. Another
either be art or fashion. It is mo often appearance of models given them an improvement made in photography is the
used, today to draw attention and to gain unreal, flawless look. This has caused the quality of the set. In the , everything
publicity. Fashion in Europe often includes general public to feel like having small things was very simple and good set was often
a runway show where models wear little to such as stretch marks and scars are ju an appealing natural environment.
no clothing and possibly one accessory, uncommon and unattractive. It makes people Now a photo shoot can happen while both
all to advertise the accessory. This can be feel like being as beautiful as a model is model and photographer are scaling
taken in ways; artistic demeaning, bold impossible. Convenience in photography has building or under water. Depending on
confident inappropriate. However fashion been touched upon as well. There have budget anything can happen short of
always has an effect. Fashion can have been countless applications invented for a photo shoot in space. The bar has really
more impact on a way thinking than music. large range of devices specifically for been set as high as the clouds, though it
photography and special effects. can be exceeded with green screen.
The impact of fashion is like chain
reaction. A designer comes out with new
line for the season few other designers
come out with their own version of the
same thing and all those variations of the
same tyle are copied by people lower in
the fashion industry and sold for cheaper.
These cheaper products are also lower in
quality. However no one cares as long
they have the “in look. In the pa there
was always specific look that was being
promoted by majority of designers.
Today there are more looks than design
ers. Men and Women have plenty of styles
to admire and take on and none of them
are exactly the same.