Page 2 - November Tax Talk
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Our SHreveport

   Employee Spotlight                                                            Office Has Moved!

   All Employees!                                                               Boardwalk Suite 1300
                                                                                        333 Texas St,

                                                                                Shreveport, La 701101

                                                    WE appreciate all

                                                    of our employees

                                                    for participating!

    Bryson Law Firm, LLC and Bryson Accounting & Tax Service, LLC

    gathered on November 6th for our annual company summit. This year’s
    summit theme was “Geaux Manage,” where we received training on how

    to manage expectations, manage time, manage performance, and
    manage a work-life balance in our new Work-from-Home model. We

    hosted team building activities, which included a food drive competition.

    The teams were instructed to bring in non-perishable items to donate to
    the LDR Food Bank; they help feed LSU students and their families.. This

    activity had a great turnout! We collected over 800 pieces of non-

    perishable items to donate as seen in the above picture! Overall, it was a
    wonderful day and an even better learning experience to make our staff

    and client’s lives easier and happier!

                                                                                               T  a  x  T  a  l  k  P  a  g  e  2
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