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P. 403


                                               EN32206  English for Business

               Supplementary Subject                                     Learning Area of Foreign Languages
               Level M.5   Semester 2                                                   40 periods: 1 credit

                      The learning area of this course covers the module of making meetings effective with decisive
               structure, preparing the students for the academic part, with more technical terminology for admission
               assessment examinations, GAT, IGCSE, and pursuance into higher education; or as an alternative, for more
               career  or  business  varieties.  Besides  academic  learning,  this  course  concentrates  on  realistic  business
               communication and presentation skills in all five English skills viz., listening, speaking, reading, writing and
               thinking; as well as building confidence and fluency. It also exposes them to current global cultures and
               pressing issues. Students will thus be curious and inquiring in creative knowledge together with caring and
               principled understanding of actual world societies and communities, towards Innovative Education and New
               Normal Business of the 21  century.
                      The  teaching  procedures introduced in  this  course  concentrate on  language  learning process;
               lectures and tutorials; collaborative learning teams; student-led facilitation of topics; outline learning; videos,
               games, role plays and lots of practice (which makes perfect); business meetings with decisive structure;
               community involvement and field trips that will encourage and motivate students to develop themselves
               to the maximum potentiality. Throughout the series, students should be able to use English for business
               meeting skills in acquiring intelligence and happiness towards excellence, including the ability to choose
               and use media and applications, update on present trends, and do soul searching on top of thinking and
               problem-solving, in optimal wholesome and holistic sense – physical, intellectual, emotional and social.

                      The course also enables students to be of kind and moral character and zealous integrity, as smart
               scholars, responsible citizens, keen sportsmen, as well as healthy and well-balanced earthlings.

               Course Learning Outcomes

                   1.  Understand and employ the proper words / expressions / idioms / phrases in English for business
                      communication and presentation, working especially on pronunciation with implications of stress,
                      intonation, pausing and thought groups.
                   2.  Focus on listening and speaking, concentrating on meaning and critical thinking to build confidence,
                      and develop and consolidate the target language for business presentation.
                   3.  Transfer tasks with practice on target language in defined communication contexts relating to
                      immediate environment, home or studies to create a bridge between the classroom and world.
                   4.  Integrate  reading  and  writing  tasks  for  comprehension,  communication  –  not  necessary  to
                      understand every word; but to understand the main ideas, and stimulate thoughts and ideas.
                   5.  Practise  with  modular  structure  to  enhance  business  meetings  with  decisive  structure,  and
                      participation in class and group discussions, activities and projects for teamwork and collaboration.
                   6.  Elicit ideas, impressions and opinions.
                   7.  Make suggestions with own experience, however limited.
                   8.  Prepare communication tasks for business meetings with decisive structure.

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