Page 410 - เล่ม 65 ม.ปลาย หลักสูตรสถานศึกษาโรงเรียนมงฟอร์ต
P. 410


                   8.  Develop negotiation skills with further practice in bargaining and making concessions as well as in
                      dealing with conflict, rejecting and ending negotiations.
                   9.  Refer back to checklists on accuracy of language and effective communication skills to keep track
                      of progress and address problem areas: Language Checklists for practice tasks and role plays, self-
                      study resource and reference with correct pronunciation; Quick Communication Check for target
                      language reflection and learning; and Skills Checklists to summarise key points of technique for
                      effective communication skills, reference for future work, in preparation for business negotiation.
                   10. Reflect on own performance for overall improvement, especially on language skills and tasks.

                      Total: 10 learning outcomes

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