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LAS VEGAS...                                                   Relocation Guide

                                       EDUCATION INFORMATION

                                                                                        PRIVATE SCHOOLS
                                                                                     Alexander Dawson School
                                                                                     10845 W. Desert Inn Rd., LV ......(702) 949-3600
                                                                                     Ammaus Christian Academy
                                                                                     850 B Ave., BC .............................(702) 294-0582
                                                                                     Andre Agassi College Prep. Academy
                                                                                     1201 W. Lake Mead Blvd., LV ....(702) 948-6000
                                                                                     Bishop Gorman
                                                                                     5959 S. Hualapai Way, LV .........(702) 732-1945
                                                                                     Challenger Schools
                                                                                     1725 E. Serene Ave., LV ..............(702) 990-7300
                                                                                     Challenger Schools
                                                                                     9900 Isaac Newton Way, LV .....(702) 878-6418
                                                                                     Cornerstone Christian Academy
                                                                                     5825 W. Eldora Ln., LV. ................(702) 939-5050
                                                                                     DJ’s Community Christian Academy
                                                                                     95 S. Arroyo Grande Blvd., HD ..(702) 263-9646
                                                                                     Faith Lutheran Jr./Sr. High School
                                                                                     2015 S. Hualapai Way, LV ..........(702) 804-4400
            PUBLIC SCHOOLS                   More  than  500  Southern  Nevada  businesses   Foothills Montessori School
                                                                                     1401 Amador Ln, HD ...................(702) 407-0790
                                             are part of the CCSD Community Partnership,   Henderson International School
      Clark County School District           a program that focuses on increasing student   1051 Sandy Ridge Ave., HD.......(702) 818-2100
      5100 W. Sahara • Las Vegas, NV 89146   knowledge and skill levels, making classroom   Windmill Pkwy., HD ......................(702) 818-2100
      (702) 799-5304                         learning more relevant to on-the-job work place   1165 Sandy Ridge Ave., HD .......(702) 818-2100
                                             experience, and increasing each student’s ability
      The Clark County School District (CCSD) enrollment   to understand what businesses need from their   Lamb of God Lutheran School
      of 307,059 increased more than 14% from 2000-  employees. For more information on partnership   6232 N. Jones Blvd., LV ..............(702) 645-1626
      2010. CCSD is the largest school district in the state   programs, call (702) 799-6560.  Las Vegas Day School
      and the sixth largest in the nation. The number of                             3275 Red Rock St., LV .................(702) 362-1180
      schools in the CCSD system has grown to 336   Additional programs offered through CCSD   Merryhill Elementary School
      with the opening of 11 new schools that opened   include  special  education,  occupational  5055 S. Durango Dr., LV .............(702) 889-2803
      this year.                             education, achievement testing, a before and   Merryhill Schools
                                             after-school program called Safekey, adult     2150 Snow Trl., LV ........................(702) 242-3230
      The district has earned accolades for its   education and tutorials. Parental involvement   2160 Snow Trl., LV ........................(702) 242-8838
      technological aptitude, comprehensive visual arts   is encouraged  through a number of  schools   2150 Windmill Pkwy., HD ...........(702) 896-0781
      programs, advanced self-esteem programs and   and district opportunities, including the   Montessori Children’s Academy of G.V.
      class-size-reduction program. Furthermore, of the   Learning  Improvement  Team  and  the  Library/  2560 N. Green Valley Pkwy, HD ..(702) 784-0055
      44 National Merit Scholarship semifi nalists in   Media Committee.              Montessori Children’s World
      Clark County, 41 of them attend CCSD schools.                                  3525 E. Sunset Rd., LV .................(702) 433-6044
                                                                                     St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church School
      Each CCSD high school offers honors programs,   For the past fi ve years, CCSD has provided  1807 Pueblo Vista Dr., LV ............(702) 804-8328
      advanced placement courses, and international   parents and community members with a  Southern Highlands Prep. School
      baccalaureate classes that provide opportunities   comprehensive profi le of each public school in   11500 Southern Highlands Pkwy, LV (702) 617-6030
      for students to receive both high school and   the county. This report, distributed annually in   Springstone Montessori School
      college credit through a testing program at the   the spring to every parent, provides statistics   7373 Montessouri St., LV.............(702) 450-1010
      end of the scholastic year. Magnet programs   about a school’s performance and is also used   Talent Bilingual Education Academy
      are geared to students from grades one through   by the school to develop academic plans to   4375 S. Buffalo., LV .....................(702) 456-6888
      12 with special interests, skills and abilities.   improve achievement. Detailed information   The Meadows School
      Unique teaching techniques and strategies are   regarding this and other programs is available   8601 Scholar Ln., LV ....................(702) 254-1610
      employed to help students focus on their chosen   through the CCSD.            The Milton I. Schwartz Hebrew
      course of study.                                                               Academy of Summerlin

                                             Public Information Office; call          9700 W. Hillpointe Rd., LV ..........(702) 255-4500
                                             (702) 799-5304.               

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