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Determining Property Value
Arriving at the right price for your property is crucial. While Purchasers in the market quickly come to realize values
no seller wants to give the property away, it shouldn’t be having seen a few properties with different amenities, so
priced so out of proportion that it will not catch the attention consider carefully before making the decision to ask more
of potential buyers. for the house than you really want or what properties are
selling for in the neighborhood. Even though you may think
Arriving at a realistic asking price is far easier with the you’re giving yourself negotiating room, if the price is not
in- put of a REALTOR who is familiar with property values realistic, a prospective Purchaser may never see it simply
and market trends, as well as your competition within the because it is priced so high. A home priced too high may
marketplace. They know it because they regularly actually cost you money when it’s reduced over and over
previewed homes for sale as well as those which have again in order to entice a Purchaser.
sold. Realtors will provide you with enough information in
the form of com- parable sales (which will compare list Arriving at a realistic asking price is far easier with the
prices of properties to actual selling prices for the proper- input of a REALTOR who is familiar with property values
ties). In addition, they will also provide information about and market trends, as well as your competition within the
houses which were listed but for some reason did not sell marketplace.
(listing expired because of condition or high price). This
information, along with their unbiased, objective opinion,
can better assist you in making an informed decision as to
the pricing your home to meet your particular needs.