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What to Do if Your Home Isn’t Selling
How long is too long for a home to be on the market? Neutralize your color scheme. Most buyers prefer
It’s not an exact science, but there are some helpful indi- pale, neutral colors that make it easier to imagine a new
cators. In a dry market, a sales period of six months to one home as their own. Houses with white exteriors are the
year isn’t unusual. Look at recent sales reports of similar highest sellers; for interiors, try whites, off-whites, or pale
homes nearby to determine a reasonable selling interval. grays.
In a hot seller’s market, a house that hasn’t sold within one
month indicates a problem. In either case, there are If you’ve had offers but you considered them too “low-
several steps you can take before putting up the white ball,” try re-adjusting your sights. Determine the lowest
flag. price you find acceptable, and consider anything more
as icing on the cake. In a longstanding dry market you
Ten tips to improve your selling karma: may even have to sell at a loss, so it’s important to take
Videotape your house, inside and out, and watch the every offer seriously. You don’t want to alienate a poten-
tape as if you were a prospective buyer. Is the lawn full tial buyer who has solid financing because you’ve set
of weeds or is the garden bare? Is your home uncluttered your sights unrealistically high.
and scrubbed spotless? Sparkling clean houses sell faster
than those that look too lived-in or show an abundance of Is your listing agent giving your house adequate atten-
the owner’s personality. tion? If not, start by having a candid talk. If there’s no
change, discuss the problem with the firm’s broker. As a
Take a second look at your listing price. Visit open last resort, wait until your listing agreement expires and
houses in your neighborhood. Are similar homes priced find an agent with a proven track record in your area.
lower? Selling prices may have dropped since your first On the other hand, if you have a fabulous agent but the
comparative market analysis. In a hot market, if you hav- market is underwater, consider offering an increased
en’t sold your home within one month, chances are good commission or a bonus for your listing agent as an extra
that you’ve overpriced it. If you do lower your asking incentive. If you do sweeten the pot for your agent,
price consider a figure slightly below those of other amend your listing contract to reflect the change, and be
comparable homes if you are interested in a speedy sale. sure it’s added to the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) book
- buyer agents will also be inspired to give your house
Do whatever it takes to be away from your home during extra attention.
showings and open houses. The presence of sellers makes
it difficult for prospective buyers to take their time or talk Re-list your house to give it a kick-start. When it
openly with their partner and agent. was listed on the MLS, it was assigned a number
reflecting the date and year of the listing. By now
Ask your listing agent to talk to buyer agents in his or her it may appear outdated to buyer agents; re-listing
firm who have shown your home. The feedback from will provide you with a new number. Check into the
their clients can guide you in making home repairs, toning policies of your local MLS: You may need to make a
down your décor, making landscaping improvements, change to qualify for re-listing, such as temporarily
and the like. taking your home off the market, adjusting its price,
or changing listing agents or firms.
Take out some extra newspaper ads or print up flyers,
even if your agent is doing a good job with promotions. Whether you’re in a bone-dry market or a sizzling
Look for out of the ordinary places to advertise, such as selling season, if you haven’t received any offers
trade magazines, company newsletters, and other on your home you’re probably facing the question
alternative resources. You can even offer perks to buyers, of whether to take it off the market or not.
such as a cash bonus or a season ski pass. A house that goes too long without selling begins
to appear “stale” and can actually damage
your future chances of a sale.