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Rachel Russell
Electronics Category Manager
Ready to Take on Challenges
For some people, a set, safe routine at work Given the enormous and constant market
is what works best. Others prefer every day constraints with electronics, Rachel has
to bring new challenges and a different feel really stepped up and demonstrated all
entirely. Rachel Russell, Electronics Category five of the PMAD traits. When a COVID
Manager at SARGENT, considers herself to be outbreak shutdown STMicro in Malaysia,
one of the latter. she immediately started identifying all
“[It’s] one of the things I love at about this job. product that use their chips, and what the
There are new challenges and opportunities impact would be. Not an easy task given our
and is never the same. There are tasks Contract Manufacturers are the ones that
related to new products, productions, and buy/manage the chips for our products. In
strategies that are constantly happening addition, she proactively reached out to
and needing attention.” other subgroups to include them. She spent
days (and nights) scouring the world for the
Much of Rachel’s day-to-day work chips we needed to keep our lines running.”
revolves around managing relationships
with suppliers, and collaborating with Rachel even brings this passion with
all different types of professionals, both her away from work, where on the
internal and external – from Product weekends you can find her cheering on
Management, to Engineering, to Operations her New England Patriots or working on
and more. To thrive in such a varied role, her craft projects. But even with all this,
it takes an adaptable and multi-talented the environment at ASSA ABLOY continues
employee, and if you ask her supervisor to give her drive and purpose.
Sara Bellefleur, Senior Director of Supply “My favorite things about working here
Management, Rachel is a perfect fit. are the people, the challenges, and all the
“It’s impossible to be in Supply Management opportunities within the company to grow.”
right now and not embrace change, but
Rachel Russell truly goes above and beyond.
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