Page 31 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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In contrast, we saw reports of child often providing valuable information
abuse and neglect plummet in the to our case workers in the field during And while research
first few months of the pandemic, to investigations. shows that Adverse
nearly half of what we had received You know that children at-risk may
in 2019. It was only when students appear to be unkempt. They may Childhood Experi-
began returning to schools, at least try to hide injuries or have confusing ences, also referred to
in part, for hybrid learning last fall, explanations for how they got hurt. as ACEs, can nega-
that reporting numbers began to They may be hard to engage or seem
normalize, but still continued to lag unemotional. Youth that are struggling tively impact a child’s
behind compared to the previous may demonstrate worrisome behaviors health and wellbeing
year. The increase in child abuse for longer than six months, such as
reporting as students returned to in- acting out, seeming distant, becoming into adulthood, sci-
school learning, however, validated easily agitated, performing poorly in ence also says that
the important role our partners in school, engaging in substance use or just one caring adult –
education play as they interact with other risky social behaviors, running
children and families throughout away or getting involved in gangs or each of you – can
the school year, and in spotting the human trafficking. We all know each make all the difference
warning signs of abuse and neglect. child is unique, and the impact of the to a child, youth or
Since the implementation of important pandemic on the youth and their families
safety measures, health experts have can manifest in a variety of ways. family, to help build
voiced their concerns about the impact I think we can all agree, it’s been a resilience and help
stay-at-home orders, social distancing, year like no other. Although we have them thrive.
and remote learning has had on the already gained some insight, we may
physical and psychological health of not fully grasp the depth and scope
many young people. We know that of the physical and psychological Below are some helpful resources:
youth naturally depend on their peers impact the pandemic will have had (or Child Abuse Hotline
and social connections, which help will continue to have) on our youth, In New Jersey, we are all mandated
to support healthy brain development families, and communities at large for reporters of abuse and neglect.
and resilience. some time. And while research shows Anyone with reasonable suspicion of
But a recent federal Centers for that Adverse Childhood Experiences, child abuse or neglect, must report it
Disease Control & Prevention survey also referred to as ACEs, can by calling the State Central Registry
revealed that from March through negatively impact a child’s health and Child Abuse Hotline at 1-877-NJ
June 2020, as the pandemic took hold, wellbeing into adulthood, science also ABUSE (1-877-652-2873).
the rates of anxiety and depression says that just one caring adult – each Children’s System of Care
rose sharply when compared to the of you – can make all the difference
same time period the previous year. to a child, to help build resilience and The Children's System of Care offers
Of the survey respondents, 11% help them to thrive. a wide range of services for children
had “seriously considered” suicide Raising awareness about ACEs and up to age 21 for behavioral health or
within the last 30 days, while that how we engage others in a way that is developmental disability needs as well
number rose to an alarming 25% in trauma-informed and healing-centered as substance use treatment services.
respondents between 18 to 24 years of will be the charge of the recently cre- These services include community-
age. Another national survey conducted ated Office of Resilience within the De- based services, in-home services,
by the Trevor Project revealed that partment, led by Dave Ellis, a nation- out-of-home residential services, and
about 40% of LGBTQ youth ages 10 ally recognized expert in the field. The family support services. For questions
to 24 had contemplated suicide in the Office will work in tandem with all state about — or to access — behavioral
last year, further underscoring the very and local partners to advance this health, developmental disability
real, and looming mental health crisis cutting-edge work around ACEs. services, or substance use
among youth. treatment for children and youth,
In these unprecedented times, and We are grateful for, and look to our call the 24-hour, toll-free Access Line
valued partners in education, as well
at: 1-877-652-7624.
as we move beyond the pandemic, as all those within our entire network
your partnership is as important as of system partners, individually and Family Success Centers
ever. School personnel have always collectively, who work side by side with Family Success Centers are “one-
been the most frequent reporters of us to build youth and family resilience stop” shops that provide wrap-around
suspected child abuse and neglect to not just during challenging times, but resources and supports for families
our State Central Registry, helping us every single day. before they find themselves in crisis.
to prevent and proactively identify child Currently, there are 57 Family Success
maltreatment and family violence, Centers. They offer primary child abuse
Educational Viewpoints -29- Spring 2021