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Professional Learning Series and Certificate Programs

 New Jersey   NJLA Series 7: LEADing for   Session 1: The Equity Imperative:   Session 2: Climate and Culture:   Session 3: Culturally Responsive
                                                         Nurturing Strong, Resilient
        Embracing the Change Equity Inspires
                                                                                                          Teaching: Leading Instruction That
 Leadership   An Equity Revolution: Learning   (PSEL 3, 10 and Teacher Leader Domain I, II)    Relationships for Adults and Students  Empowers Deep Student Learning
        CAR Culture and Climate: Climate for Shared
                                                         (PSEL 3, 7, 8 and Teacher Leader Domain I,II, VI)   (PSEL 3, 4, 10 and Teacher Leader Domain II, IV)
                                                         CAR Culture: Communication of Connections
                                                         and High Expectations                            CAR Culture: Climate for Learning

 Academy  From Our New Realities  Jan. 21, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)                                    Feb. 4, 2021; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm (VIRTUAL)
        Feb. 18, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)
        Mar. 1, 2021; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm (VIRTUAL)       Feb. 9, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)              Mar. 5, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)
                                                         Feb. 23, 2021; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm (VIRTUAL)
                                                                                                          Mar. 16, 2021; 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm (VIRTUAL)
 Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and NJASA   Apr. 26, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)  Mar. 3, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)  Mar. 25, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)
                                                         May 17, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)              Jun. 7, 2021; 9 am - 1 pm (VIRTUAL)
 Fee: $450   Change is imperative! Change with a lens toward equity
        is essential! Our educational community deserves a   Deep learning can only occur when leaders create the   The time is now! Leading the implementation of a culturally
 Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and Teacher-Leaders; Teams Encouraged   system of learning that engages learners differently   conditions to foster relationships that create safety,   responsive teaching curriculum begins with engaging staff
        — less from a linear or hierarchical process and more
        from the involvement of students and parents as active   trust, emotional stability, belonging, and respect.   in honest conversations to surface and act on personal and
                                                         Strong relationships are at the core of a healthy climate
                                                                                                          institutional biases that create barriers to impact instruction.
 It is a time of hope, of transformation and of innovation in   • How will we maximize new learning structures to meet   partners in the change process. Participants will engage in   and culture in our classrooms, schools, districts, and   Leaders must support staff in developing and implementing
 education. In the span of three short months our NJ educational   individual student needs, with a focus on students who have   activities and develop strategies to answer the following   communities. Participants will be connected to strategies   instructional practices that are both reflective of students’
 system has been disrupted, put into chaos and shock from the   been (traditionally) marginalized?  •  What is our vision for learning in the future - what   and conversations that will allow them to adapt and   diverse backgrounds and identities while celebrating and
                                                         design a strong climate and culture by addressing the
                                                                                                          acknowledging the wealth of experiences they bring to the
 normal routines of brick and mortar schools to learning routines   • How do we create partnerships, outreach and resources to   does the system look like, how will it operate, and   following questions:  classroom and the content they are learning. Participants
 and structures in a virtual environment. Inequities in the system   empower the voices of the learning community to solve   what outcomes would we see?  •  What is a healthy climate and culture in a school?   will come together to address and plan actions for the
 have been uncovered. The lessons learned in that short period   problems that prevent us from serving all students?   •  What are unexpected learnings from our recent move   What would we see and feel?   development of a strength- based mindset for instruction
            to emergent virtual learning and how do we leverage
                                                                                                          by answering the following questions:
 of time, however, have the potential power to strengthen and   • How do we continue to prepare for the future and be   those experiences to build capacity to institute   •  How would adults and students respond in a positive   •  How is culturally responsive teaching defined?
                                                             climate and culture?
 create a catalyst to change our systems of learning in ways that   flexible, despite the many uncertainties we still face?  change?  •  What is the climate and culture of the community?   •  What assumptions and/or biases must be challenged
 will grant all students the door to personalized and purposeful   •  How willing are we to learn from our experiences and   How has that changed because of the pandemic?  to support inclusive learning environments?
            the voices of our community to embrace the needed
 learning. The three sessions of the New Jersey Leadership   changes?  •  How do school leaders create inclusive and equitable   •   What are the essential dispositions that leaders need
 Academy 7 will challenge leaders to develop strategies and   As you register for the New Leadership Academy 3-day learning   •   How do we keep equity at the center of our   school cultures?  in order to strengthen culturally responsive teaching
                                                                                                             practices in all classrooms?
 actions to answer the following questions:  experience, please select one date for each of the 3 sessions.   conversations?  •  What actions can leaders take to create the   •  How are we leading staff to support them in assisting
                                                             conditions that invite staff and students to be
 • How do we leverage what we have learned to build   All participants must begin by taking Session 1, as it provides   •   What shifts in mindset must we have to work   empowered to engage in connected and trusting   students to flex their “learning muscles” (Zaretta
 the Academy focus and overview. Sessions 2 and 3 may then be
            towards ensuring that all learning opportunities are
 sustainable and equitable learning structures across all   taken in either order on the dates of your choice.  equitable for all?  relationships that result in high levels of learning?   Hammond) to engage in deep learning?
 schools?  •  How do we create resiliency in our educational   •  How do we create interdependence for “team think   •  How can we incorporate social and emotional
                                                                                                             learning to improve student’s confidence?
                                                             and action” within the schools or across schools that
 • What challenges should we prepare for and how can those   community to promote and sustain the needed   builds strong relationships and creates a pathway to   •   What are teaching practices and student strategies
                                                             making responsible and practical decisions?
                                                                                                             that will strengthen student competence?
 challenges be addressed?  #NJLA7                          •  How do we use Social and Emotional Learning   •  How do we use a data driven feedback process to
                                                             competencies to build and sustain resilient cultures?  enhance learning for all students?
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