Page 22 - EdViewptsSpring2017
P. 22

The Most Important Decision

        By Jeff Huguenin, Ed.D., Principal of Joseph J. Catena Elementary School,
        Freehold Township

        As principals, sometimes             “We know today that the single most   parents, implement curriculum, embrace
        it can feel as if every              decisive factor in student achievement   new initiatives, and positively contribute
                                             is excellent teaching. It’s amazing
                                                                                  to the culture and climate of a school.
        decision is important.               how effective the great teachers are.”   Their impact on the schools at which
        However, after careful consideration,   (Gates, 2010) “The difference between   they work and on the principals who
        an assertion can be made that there   hiring an outstanding teacher and hiring   supervise them is profound. Recogniz-
        is, in fact, one decision that is the most   an ineffective teacher has    ing that, principals need to continuously
        important. It is a decision that often   been estimated as being worth up to   remind themselves that each open posi-
        takes place away from the harried and   a year of educational growth for the   tion is an opportunity to invite the next
        stressful ones, which can consume    students in their classroom, and when   outstanding teacher to join their school.
        entire days and be emotionally, physi-  one considers the potential impact of a   A study that examined questions related
        cally, and intellectually draining. When   succession of excellent or a succession   to how principals make this critical
        made correctly, this decision can yield   or poor teachers, the gravity of hiring ex-  decision was completed in 2015. The
        tremendous benefits to a principal on a   cellent teachers increases.” (Hanushek   instrument was an online survey with a
        recurring basis in terms of reducing the   & Rivkin, 2010) (Figure 1)     combination of Likert-scale questions
        number of pressure-filled scenarios that   In addition to their ability to impact stu-  and open-ended response questions
        arise and improving student achieve-  dent achievement, outstanding teachers   that were created in order to gain insight
        ment. The most important decision is   successfully address the extraneous   about what characteristics of potential
        which candidate a principal selects to   situations that accompany the role of   candidates the principals placed their
        hire and retain as a teacher.        being a teacher. They manage student   priority on. Two of the primary questions
                                             behavior, communicate effectively with   explored in the study included:

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -20-       Spring 2017
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