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of Innovative Schools (2016-2017)    Figure 3
        and being named by Digital Promise    27 Participants     Prior        Advanced  Traditional     College or
        (2016-2017) as one of the 20 most                         Teaching     Degree     vs. Alternate  University
        innovative districts in the country.                      Experience   Status     Certification  Attended
        Those acknowledgements would not
        have been realized without the su-    Extremely Important  0           0          0              1
        preme talents of the professionals who
        work there, and strengthened by the   the resulting accolades that have been   is the most important for principals.
        contributions of new staff members.   bestowed upon JJC and FTSD serve    “Simply put, teacher success equals
        The pattern of successful hiring and   as further validation of which decision   student success.” (Stronge, 2002)

        Gates, Bill. (2010). Bill Gates: Council of Chief State School Officers. Retrieved from
        speeches-commentary/Pages/bill-gates-2010- ccsso.aspx
        Hanushek, E. A., & Rivkin, S. G. (2010). Generalizations About Using Value-Added Measures of Teacher Quality.
        American Economic Review, 100(2), 267–271.
        Huguenin, Jeffrey. (2015). Hiring Practices of Elementary Public School Principals in New Jersey. Retrieved from http://
        Stronge, J. H. (2002). Qualities of Effective Teachers. Alexandria, VA: Association of Supervision and Curriculum

         About the Author
                       Dr. Jeff Huguenin is the Principal of the Joseph J. Catena Elementary School in Freehold Township, NJ
                       and an adjunct professor for the School of Education at Georgian Court University where he works with
                       aspiring administrators. He has more than twenty years of experience as an educator at the elementary
                       school and middle school levels. He earned his Doctor of Education degree from St. Peter’s University,
                       a Master of Arts in Administration, Supervision, and Curriculum Planning from Georgian Court University,
                       and a Bachelor of Science from West Chester University. Dr. Huguenin is a state, regional, and national
         level presenter and speaks on topics including: Effective Hiring Practices, Improving Homework, Personalized Learning,
         and Designing 21st Century Instructional Spaces. Connect with him on Twitter @CatenaPrincipal

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                                            Educational Viewpoints       -22-       Spring 2017
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