Page 26 - FallCatalog2020
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the NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Math instructional Conducting AAO Investigations Professional Learning Series and
units with common student learning objectives derived
from the NJ Student Learning Standards. These resources, and Addressing Racial Justice and Certificate Programs
when combined with the CAR conversations, offer a Other Current Events
powerful toolkit for PLCs to address learning gaps, ensure Jan. 26, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
high-quality instruction, and strengthen continuity of Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca
learning across a variety of environments. Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources; and other For detailed descriptions of each workshop, please refer to individual listings by date on previous pages.
speakers to be determined
Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members
Legal Issues Pertaining to When allegations of discrimination are made involving
Vaccinations and Schools school employees or students, it’s essential that the
Jan. 21, 2021; 9 am - Noon (Blended Online Learning matter is investigated promptly, effectively and legally.
Workshop) This workshop will provide you with the tools you need Anti-Bullying Specialist Certificate Program
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Sandra L. to develop and carry out investigation plans, including
Jacques, Esq., LEGAL ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and strategies for gathering and reviewing documents, All New 100% Online Version
Content Development; Wayne Yankus, MD, FAAP; Brian Dean questioning techniques to help you get to the truth and a
Abramson, Esq., LL.M. review of procedural steps that must be taken in order to As an Anti-Bullying Specialist or be successfully completed in order to earn a
Fee: $85 Members/$100 Non-Members protect the rights of all involved. Participants will receive Anti-Bullying Coordinator, you need program certificate.
This workshop will discuss vaccine safety, and the measures model templates and sample investigation reports, learn comprehensive professional learning in PART I - Bullying Law Update and the
order to be ready for this challenging role.
taken to ensure the safety of both conventional vaccines and how to develop and carry out an investigation action plan, Role of the ABS
COVID-19 vaccines in development. Additional topics to be learn from prior case law and review real world scenarios. There is no better team of anti-bullying PART II - How to Investigate HIB Claims
experts for this type of training than
addressed include the various regulations and mandates in Participants will also review recent societal trends related LEGAL ONE’s instructors! We have trained PART III - Bullying Response and
place requiring vaccination of children in public and private to, including emerging schools and workplaces. thousands of Anti-Bullying Specialists, Prevention
school settings, the availability of medical and religious administrators and others on every aspect of Additionally, there are bonus courses and
exemptions to vaccination mandates, and the ability of schools New Jersey’s Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. But webinars that are not required to earn your
to exclude unvaccinated students (including those exempt Comprehensive Systems, Protocols we know it can be difficult at times to attend certificate. However, our LEGAL ONE team team, interact with your peers, and take
from vaccination) during an identified public health crisis. and Capacity out-of-district professional learning. That’s encourages you to explore these school your skills to the next level. Join LEGAL
law learning experiences.
Jan. 27, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm why we are pleased to offer this self-paced ONE Director David Nash, LEGAL ONE’s
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Rebecca online version of the Anti-Bullying Specialist attorney team and other ABS professionals
Gold, Retired Director of Human Resources; and other Certificate Program! Complete all of this NOW INCLUDED FOR FALL 2020 in an extension of your coursework; an
The Road Back Through an Equity speakers to be determined training when it’s most convenient for you, interactive and collaborative opportunity
right from your home or school computer.
Lens (PSEL Standards 3, 5, and 10) Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members What’s more, we are now also including Addressing HIB in Turbulent Times: for questions and answers, scenario review
What Every ABS Needs to Know
and a fleshing out of your coursework
Jan. 25, 2021; 9 am - Noon Whether we realize it or not, each of us has our own implicit opportunities for live interaction with LEGAL with discussion, updated current events,
Presenter: George Guy biases. As Affirmative Action Officer, it is essential that you ONE attorneys, by providing a variety of legislative enactments, and case law.
Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members understand the implicit biases that you and your colleagues date options for you to participate in a Live Interaction Sessions
may have, that you lead your district’s work to overcome
Since June of 2020, schools have been focused on those biases and that you work to ensure that those biases half-day ABS Live Interactive Session where You know that the Anti-Bullying 1. Sep. 22, 2020; 9 am - 11:30 am
Specialist position is a daunting one,
you can have your questions answered by
implementing the guidance provided in the NJDOE directive, do not interfere with student, staff or parental rights. In LEGAL ONE’s expert attorneys and practice with responsibilities for leading all HIB 2. Sep. 22, 2020; 12:30 pm - 3 pm
“The Road Back.” How is implementation going and has it this session, participants will learn to identify implicit biases addressing real-world scenarios. investigations, writing investigation 3. Oct. 1, 2020; 12:30 pm - 3 pm
been equitable? In this session, three areas of “The Road and recognize the impact they may have on all aspects of a reports, and leading the School Safety/ 4. Oct. 6, 2020; 9 am - 11:30 am
Back” will be explored: Conditions for Learning, Leadership school district’s operations. Participants will also be provided Program Components Climate team. The self-paced ABS Online
and Planning and Continuity of Learning. with tools to establish effective affirmative action systems, The ABS Online Certificate Program offers 16 Certificate Program provides a strong
Examples will include using our equity lens to review protocols and capacity that will enable all stakeholders hours of continuing education. The program foundation in the essential knowledge and
consists of an Introduction course, three
implementation of social emotional learning, applications of to understand their role in promoting a districtwide parts (listed below), and a final assessment skills necessary to operate effectively as an
ABS. But it is also important to have your
multi-tiered systems of support, an analysis of the efficacy commitment to equity, dignity and support for everyone. exam. All components and assessments must questions answered by the LEGAL ONE Fee: $500 for the whole series
of our wraparound services for students and their families,
scheduling for hybrid or remote instruction with historically
underserved demographics, more equitable deployment Understanding Educator Evaluation
as it relates to staff, equity reviews of current grading and During the Pandemic: Best Practices Special Education Litigation Certificate Program
attendance policies, equity and the digital divide, targeted
professional learning and supports for students with for Leaders Presenters: Isabel Machado, Esq., Machado Law Group; John Worthington, Esq.,
individual education plans. Jan. 28, 2021; 1 pm - 4 pm LEGAL ONE Consultant
This overview is designed to give participants, no matter Presenters: Anthony Scotto, Hamilton Twp. School District; Litigation is a constant threat in the area of special education. In New Jersey, the
Pat Haney, Logan Twp. School District
their educational context, strategies and resources to better challenge is even greater because the burden of proof is always on the school
understand and combat institutional inequities brought on Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members district, unlike any other area of the law. This series will empower participants to
with and unwittingly reinforced by the pandemic. Understanding educator evaluation during the constantly understand how to reduce the need for litigation, prepare for mediation and due
shifting learning environments of the pandemic is process, and be in the best possible position to prevail when litigation occurs,
challenging at best. How can leaders ensure that under IDEA or Section 504.
evaluation moves beyond compliance and focuses on a Day 1: Section 504 Explained - Sep. 23, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
cycle of feedback and growth? Join us to explore the five Day 2: Legally Compliant IEPs - Oct. 19, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
key themes recently released by the NJDOE to develop Day 3: Preparing for Special Education Mediation and Due Process Hearings -
best practices for an effective and meaningful educator Nov. 4, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
evaluation process. Whether your district is in-person, Bonus Online Course (not required): Special Education Law
hybrid or remote, this session provides practical and
relevant strategies that will connect to your current context. Fee: $400 for members and $500 for non-members for the whole series, or individual sessions can be purchased separately.
Those purchasing the bundle will receive additional pre-recorded content.