Page 4 - FallCatalog2021
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Dear Friends. day workshops on emerging school law
issues, one-hour webinars on the latest
School leaders have legal developments, and in-depth certificate
always needed to be programs that allow for a deeper dive into
able to respond on the critical school law issues, such as bullying
fly to new circumstances. prevention, student conduct, affirmative
This ability to adapt has action, and human resources. Our weekly
never been more important. With a global LEGAL ONE Podcast also provides a great
pandemic, constantly evolving health way to receive information on-the-go on
guidelines, a wide array of new legislative critical school law issues at no cost.
requirements and landmark school law
decisions, LEGAL ONE is here to help you This Fall, we at LEGAL ONE are
make sense of it all, understand your legal also excited to be offering a series of
obligations and confidently focus on your collaborative sessions that combine legal
role as an educator and school leader. education with best practices. This includes
collaborative sessions on key aspects
At NJPSA and FEA we have committed special education and a new Gifted and
to reviewing all aspects of our operations, Talented Education series that will review
including our professional learning, through the latest revisions in state and federal
an equity lens. Towards that end, you will law related to gifted education, the latest
find numerous LEGAL ONE offerings that guidance from the NJDOE, key strategies
address various aspects of diversity, equity, for supporting diversity, equity and
and inclusion. These include our Special inclusion, and other best practices.
Education Litigation Certificate program, a
session on supporting LGBTQ+ students, We are also continuing to expand and
and the infusion of legal considerations enhance our self-paced online course
related to equity in workshops addressing offerings. This includes the new course
HIB and other hot issues in school law. Understanding Bullying in Our Schools,
and soon to be released courses, including
Given the tremendous demands on your a course on Establishing Student Mental
time, we have developed a wide array of Health Protocols and an online version of
school law offerings that provide flexible our Affirmative Action Officer Certificate
options to support you, when, where and Program.
how that support works best for you. This
includes our new Primetime Series for We are also pleased to be offering our
those unable to access school law training new Anti-Bullying Professional Advanced
during the school day, self-paced online Certificate of Mastery, which is intended
courses that are available to access at your to take our HIB training to the next level
convenience, individual half-day and full- for anti-bullying specialists, anti-bullying